APPPATH/views/front/v_product.php [ 62 ]
57 </li>
58 <? for ($i = 1; $i <= $product->image->count; $i++): ?>
59 <? if ($product->image->main != $i): ?>
60 <?php
61 $urlImg = Tools::getImgWebp($product->seo->img_directory . '/' . $product->seo->alias . '_' . $i . '_280x280.jpg');
62 list($widthI, $heightI) = getimagesize($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$urlImg);
63 ?>
64 <li class="item-image" data-src="<?= Tools::getImgWebp($product->seo->img_directory . '/' . $product->seo->alias . '_' . $i . '_1028x1028.jpg') ?>" data-thumb="<?= Tools::getImgWebp($product->seo->img_directory . '/' . $product->seo->alias . '_' . $i . '_40x40.jpg') ?>">
65 <img src="<?=$urlImg?>" width="<?=$widthI?>" height="<?=$heightI?>" alt="<?= $product->title ?> - изображение <?= $i ?>">
66 </li>
67 <? endif ?>
{PHP internal call} » Kohana_Core::error_handler(arguments)
integer 2
string(156) "getimagesize(/var/www/user10911271/data/www/ failed to open strea …"
string(81) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/"
integer 62
array(30) ( "kohana_view_filename" => string(81) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" "kohana_view_data" => array(23) ( "config" => object Config_Group(11)
{ public dostavka => integer 400 public free_dostavka => integer 5000000 public sticky => array(4) ( 1 => array(2) ( "title" => string(19) "Хит продаж" "ico" => string(27) "<i class="fas fa-fire"></i>" ) 2 => array(2) ( "title" => string(14) "Новинка" "ico" => string(27) "<i class="fas fa-bell"></i>" ) 3 => array(2) ( "title" => string(15) "По акции" "ico" => string(31) "<i class="fas fa-bullhorn"></i>" ) 4 => array(2) ( "title" => string(23) "Рекомендуем!" "ico" => string(32) "<i class="fas fa-thumbs-up"></i>" ) ) public status => array(5) ( 1 => string(17) "В наличии" 2 => string(17) "Под заказ" 3 => string(24) "Нет в наличии" 4 => string(38) "Снято с производства" 5 => string(35) "Ожидается поставка" ) public block_s => array(2) ( 1 => integer 91 2 => integer 92 ) public base_dir => string(43) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" public g_dostavka => array(3) ( "text" => string(14) "вторник" "date_end" => string(10) "2016-07-17" "day" => integer 2 ) public header_menu => array(5) ( "Контакты" => string(13) "kontakty.html" "О нас" => string(10) "o-nas.html" "Оплата" => string(11) "oplata.html" "Доставка" => string(13) "dostavka.html" "Акции!" => string(6) "akcii/" ) public catalog => string(0) "" public category_market => array(27) ( 11 => array(1) ( "title" => string(30) "Видеонаблюдение" ) 51 => array(1) ( "title" => string(34) "Видеорегистраторы" ) 14 => array(1) ( "title" => string(26) "Видеодомофоны" ) 15 => array(2) ( "title" => string(59) "Видеодомофоны для частного дома" "parent" => integer 14 ) 80 => array(2) ( "title" => string(57) "Многоквартирные видеодомофоны" "parent" => integer 14 ) 18 => array(2) ( "title" => string(29) "IP видеодомофоны" "parent" => integer 14 ) 19 => array(2) ( "title" => string(43) "Видеодомофоны c записью" "parent" => integer 14 ) 20 => array(2) ( "title" => string(62) "Видеодомофоны c датчиком движения" "parent" => integer 14 ) 21 => array(2) ( "title" => string(43) "Видеодомофоны c памятью" "parent" => integer 14 ) 23 => array(2) ( "title" => string(51) "Координатные видеодомофоны" "parent" => integer 14 ) 24 => array(2) ( "title" => string(43) "Цифровые видеодомофоны" "parent" => integer 14 ) 12 => array(2) ( "title" => string(50) "Видеодомофоны для квартиры" "parent" => integer 14 ) 102 => array(2) ( "title" => string(93) "Готовые комплекты видеодомофона для частного дома" "parent" => integer 14 ) 101 => array(2) ( "title" => string(84) "Готовые комплекты видеодомофона для квартиры" "parent" => integer 14 ) 30 => array(1) ( "title" => string(29) "Вызывные панели" ) 35 => array(1) ( "title" => string(8) "СКУД" ) 28 => array(1) ( "title" => string(52) "Домофоны с видеонаблюдением" ) 162 => array(1) ( "title" => string(43) "Комплект видеодомофона" ) 167 => array(1) ( "title" => string(55) "Комплект видеодомофона от Tantos" ) 78 => array(1) ( "title" => string(23) "Блок питания" ) 79 => array(1) ( "title" => string(29) "Блок сопряжения" ) 47 => array(1) ( "title" => string(27) "Гибкий переход" ) 32 => array(1) ( "title" => string(35) "Монтажный материал" ) 37 => array(1) ( "title" => string(49) "Электромеханические замки" ) 38 => array(1) ( "title" => string(43) "Электромагнитные замки" ) 57 => array(1) ( "title" => string(58) "Цветные камеры видеонаблюдения" ) 125 => array(1) ( "title" => string(56) "IP-видеокамеры видеонаблюдения" ) ) public image => array(3) ( "product" => array(2) ( "path" => string(52) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" "size" => array(6) ( 0 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 40 "height" => integer 40 ) 1 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 80 "height" => integer 70 ) 2 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 96 "height" => integer 96 ) 3 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 180 "height" => integer 120 ) 4 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 280 "height" => integer 280 ) 5 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 1028 "height" => integer 1028 ) ) ) "brand" => array(2) ( "path" => string(56) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" "size" => array(3) ( 0 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 72 "height" => integer 72 ) 1 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 100 "height" => integer 12 ) 2 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 100 "height" => integer 100 ) ) ) "content" => array(3) ( "path" => string(67) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" "pathUrl" => string(24) "/images/content/cms_list" "size" => array(2) ( 0 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 65 "height" => integer 43 ) 1 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 180 "height" => integer 120 ) ) ) ) }
"desc_cat" => string(1158) "<p>В интернет-магазине <b>видеодомофоны.рус</b> вы можете купить монитор видеодомофона Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi для квартиры и ча …" "bs" => string(0) "" "komplekt" => array(0) "linkOtziv" => array(0) "desc" => string(3599) "<p>Монитор цветного видеодомофона 7 дюймов с емкостным сенсорным экраном с поддержкой форматов Full HD 1080p, CVBS, с возможност …" "colors" => string(0) "" "sticky" => array(0) "sale_price" => integer 0 "status" => string(17) "Под заказ" "list_instruct" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ public * _internal_row => integer 0 public * _query => string(67) "SELECT * FROM `links` WHERE `id_product`=3207 AND `type`="instruct"" public * _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"list_video" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
public * _total_rows => integer 1 public * _current_row => integer 0 public * _as_object => bool FALSE public * _object_params => NULL }{ public * _internal_row => integer 0 public * _query => string(64) "SELECT * FROM `links` WHERE `id_product`=3207 AND `type`="video"" public * _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"products_soputstv" => object Response(5){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
public * _total_rows => integer 0 public * _current_row => integer 0 public * _as_object => bool FALSE public * _object_params => NULL }{ public * _status => integer 200 public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
"products_analog" => object Response(5){ }
public * _body => string(8189) " <div class="title-kt-products"> С этим товаром часто покупают </div> <div class="splide …" public * _cookies => array(0) public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" }{ public * _status => integer 200 public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
"products_zamena" => array(3) ( "title" => string(20) "Marilyn HD Wi-Fi IPS" "link" => string(41) "/video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi-ips.html" "link_image" => string(52) "/images/p/1/6/5/4/4/marilyn-hd-wi-fi-ips_1_96x96.jpg" ) "rating" => array(2) ( "total" => string(1) "1" "rating" => float 5 ) "list_coments" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ }
public * _body => string(8277) " <div class="title-kt-products"> Похожие товары </div> <div class="splide kt-products"> …" public * _cookies => array(0) public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" }{ public * _internal_row => integer 1 public * _query => string(150) "SELECT `comment`,`user`,`email`,`rating`,`date_add` FROM `comment` WHERE `id_product` = 3207 AND `spam` = 1 AND `id_parent`=0 OR …" public * _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"comments" => object Response(5){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
public * _total_rows => integer 1 public * _current_row => integer 1 public * _as_object => bool FALSE public * _object_params => NULL }{ public * _status => integer 200 public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
"countComment" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ }
public * _body => string(1785) " <div class="mb-4 "> <div class="rating pb-2"> <i class="fs-085 color …" public * _cookies => array(0) public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" }{ public * _internal_row => integer 0 public * _query => string(98) "SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM `comment` WHERE `id_product` = 3207 AND `spam` = 1 AND `id_parent` = 0" public * _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"size_image" => NULL "size_image_big" => NULL "size_image_smail" => NULL "product" => object Model_Front_Product(34){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
public * _total_rows => integer 1 public * _current_row => integer 0 public * _as_object => bool FALSE public * _object_params => NULL }{ public * _table_name => string(7) "product" public _primary_key => string(10) "id_product" public * _has_one => array(8) ( "seo" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(9) "Front_Seo" ) "image" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(11) "Front_Image" ) "skidka" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(12) "Front_Skidka" ) "market" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(12) "Front_Market" ) "links" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(11) "Front_Links" ) "kt_fields" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(14) "Front_KtFields" ) "status" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "id_status" "model" => string(19) "Front_StatusProduct" ) "category" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(11) "id_category" "model" => string(14) "Front_Category" ) ) public * _belongs_to => array(1) ( "brand" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "id_brand" "model" => string(11) "Front_Brand" ) ) public * _has_many => array(1) ( "features" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "feature_id" "model" => string(20) "Front_ProductFeature" ) ) public * _load_with => array(0) public * _validation => NULL public * _object => array(24) ( "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_brand" => string(1) "8" "id_category" => string(2) "14" "title" => string(23) "Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "price1" => string(4) "0.00" "price2" => string(5) "31005" "price3" => string(5) "31005" "kurs" => NULL "desc" => string(3599) "<p>Монитор цветного видеодомофона 7 дюймов с емкостным сенсорным экраном с поддержкой форматов Full HD 1080p, CVBS, с возможност …" "short_desc" => NULL "short_desc_kt" => string(311) "<ul> <li><b>Сенсорный 7"</b> дюймовый экран (1024х600)</li> <li><b>WiFi</b> модуль для управления через смартфон</li> …" "date_add" => NULL "date_edit" => string(19) "2022-07-21 17:10:33" "id_status" => string(1) "2" "block_s" => NULL "zakupka1" => string(4) "0.00" "zakupka2" => string(4) "0.00" "zakupka3" => string(4) "0.00" "not_seo_auto" => string(1) "0" "cnt_load" => string(6) "388078" "id_sticky" => NULL "title_price" => string(16) "Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "url_postav" => string(49) "" "auto_komplekt" => string(1) "1" ) public * _changed => array(0) public * _original_values => array(24) ( "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_brand" => string(1) "8" "id_category" => string(2) "14" "title" => string(23) "Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "price1" => string(4) "0.00" "price2" => string(5) "31005" "price3" => string(5) "31005" "kurs" => NULL "desc" => string(3599) "<p>Монитор цветного видеодомофона 7 дюймов с емкостным сенсорным экраном с поддержкой форматов Full HD 1080p, CVBS, с возможност …" "short_desc" => NULL "short_desc_kt" => string(311) "<ul> <li><b>Сенсорный 7"</b> дюймовый экран (1024х600)</li> <li><b>WiFi</b> модуль для управления через смартфон</li> …" "date_add" => NULL "date_edit" => string(19) "2022-07-21 17:10:33" "id_status" => string(1) "2" "block_s" => NULL "zakupka1" => string(4) "0.00" "zakupka2" => string(4) "0.00" "zakupka3" => string(4) "0.00" "not_seo_auto" => string(1) "0" "cnt_load" => string(6) "388078" "id_sticky" => NULL "title_price" => string(16) "Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "url_postav" => string(49) "" "auto_komplekt" => string(1) "1" ) public * _related => array(4) ( "kt_fields" => object Model_Front_KtFields(34)
) "config" => object Config_Group(11){ public * _table_name => string(9) "kt_fields" public _primary_key => string(10) "id_product" public * _has_one => array(0) public * _belongs_to => array(0) public * _has_many => array(0) public * _load_with => array(0) public * _validation => NULL public * _object => array(22) ( "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "products_soputstv" => string(36) "["2918","2790","2789","2788","7643"]" "products_analog" => string(39) "["16544","3234","17669","3177","18005"]" "products_color" => string(0) "" "products_komplect" => string(0) "" "title_text" => NULL "schemes" => NULL "name_chemes" => NULL "note_schemes" => NULL "name_instruct" => NULL "name_flash" => NULL "free_dostavka" => string(1) "0" "day_dostavka" => NULL "monitor" => string(0) "" "panel" => string(0) "" "h1" => string(48) "Видеодомофон Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "video" => NULL "note_video" => NULL "text_feature" => string(3210) " <div> <span>Дисплей </span> <span>TFT, цветной, сенсорный, 7 дюймов, 1024х600</span> </div> <div> <span>Управление </span> <spa …" "instruct" => NULL "products_dubl" => string(0) "" "products_zamena" => string(16) "["16544","7644"]" ) public * _changed => array(0) public * _original_values => array(22) ( "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "products_soputstv" => string(36) "["2918","2790","2789","2788","7643"]" "products_analog" => string(39) "["16544","3234","17669","3177","18005"]" "products_color" => string(0) "" "products_komplect" => string(0) "" "title_text" => NULL "schemes" => NULL "name_chemes" => NULL "note_schemes" => NULL "name_instruct" => NULL "name_flash" => NULL "free_dostavka" => string(1) "0" "day_dostavka" => NULL "monitor" => string(0) "" "panel" => string(0) "" "h1" => string(48) "Видеодомофон Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "video" => NULL "note_video" => NULL "text_feature" => string(3210) " <div> <span>Дисплей </span> <span>TFT, цветной, сенсорный, 7 дюймов, 1024х600</span> </div> <div> <span>Управление </span> <spa …" "instruct" => NULL "products_dubl" => string(0) "" "products_zamena" => string(16) "["16544","7644"]" ) public * _related => array(0) public * _valid => bool TRUE public * _loaded => bool TRUE public * _saved => bool FALSE public * _sorting => NULL public * _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" public * _object_name => string(14) "front_ktfields" public * _object_plural => string(16) "front_ktfieldses" public * _table_columns => array(22) ( "id_product" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_product" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "products_soputstv" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(17) "products_soputstv" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "products_analog" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(15) "products_analog" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "products_color" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(14) "products_color" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "products_komplect" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(17) "products_komplect" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "title_text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "35" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "schemes" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(7) "schemes" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name_chemes" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(11) "name_chemes" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "55" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "note_schemes" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(12) "note_schemes" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name_instruct" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(13) "name_instruct" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name_flash" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "name_flash" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "free_dostavka" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(13) "free_dostavka" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "day_dostavka" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(12) "day_dostavka" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "12" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "monitor" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "monitor" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "25" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "panel" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "panel" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "25" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "h1" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(2) "h1" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "video" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "video" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 17 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "note_video" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "note_video" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 18 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text_feature" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(12) "text_feature" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 19 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "instruct" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(8) "instruct" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 20 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "products_dubl" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(13) "products_dubl" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 21 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "products_zamena" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(15) "products_zamena" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 22 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) public * _updated_column => NULL public * _created_column => NULL public * _serialize_columns => array(0) public * _primary_key_value => string(4) "3207" public * _table_names_plural => bool TRUE public * _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"image" => object Model_Front_Image(34){ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18)
public * _db_group => NULL public * _db_applied => array(0) public * _db_pending => array(0) public * _db_reset => bool TRUE public * _db_builder => NULL public * _with_applied => array(0) public * _cast_data => array(0) public * _errors_filename => string(14) "front_ktfields" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
public * _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(5) ( "hostname" => string(15) "" "database" => string(5) "db_vd" "port" => NULL "socket" => NULL "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool TRUE ) }{ public * _table_name => string(5) "image" public _primary_key => string(8) "id_image" public * _has_one => array(0) public * _belongs_to => array(0) public * _has_many => array(0) public * _load_with => array(0) public * _validation => NULL public * _object => array(10) ( "id_image" => string(5) "17013" "count" => string(2) "17" "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_category" => string(1) "0" "id_brand" => string(1) "0" "id_content" => string(1) "0" "main" => string(1) "1" "original" => NULL "date_add" => string(19) "2020-03-16 17:04:58" "date_edit" => string(19) "2019-10-21 12:41:59" ) public * _changed => array(0) public * _original_values => array(10) ( "id_image" => string(5) "17013" "count" => string(2) "17" "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_category" => string(1) "0" "id_brand" => string(1) "0" "id_content" => string(1) "0" "main" => string(1) "1" "original" => NULL "date_add" => string(19) "2020-03-16 17:04:58" "date_edit" => string(19) "2019-10-21 12:41:59" ) public * _related => array(0) public * _valid => bool TRUE public * _loaded => bool TRUE public * _saved => bool FALSE public * _sorting => NULL public * _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" public * _object_name => string(11) "front_image" public * _object_plural => string(12) "front_images" public * _table_columns => array(10) ( "id_image" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "id_image" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "count" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(5) "count" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_product" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_product" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_category" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(11) "id_category" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_brand" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "id_brand" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_content" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_content" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "main" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(4) "main" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "original" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(8) "original" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_add" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "date_add" "column_default" => string(17) "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(45) "DEFAULT_GENERATED on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_edit" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "date_edit" "column_default" => string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00" "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) public * _updated_column => NULL public * _created_column => NULL public * _serialize_columns => array(0) public * _primary_key_value => string(5) "17013" public * _table_names_plural => bool TRUE public * _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"seo" => object Model_Front_Seo(34){ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18)
public * _db_group => NULL public * _db_applied => array(0) public * _db_pending => array(0) public * _db_reset => bool TRUE public * _db_builder => NULL public * _with_applied => array(0) public * _cast_data => array(0) public * _errors_filename => string(11) "front_image" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
public * _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(5) ( "hostname" => string(15) "" "database" => string(5) "db_vd" "port" => NULL "socket" => NULL "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool TRUE ) }{ public * _table_name => string(3) "seo" public _primary_key => string(6) "id_seo" public * _has_one => array(0) public * _belongs_to => array(0) public * _has_many => array(0) public * _load_with => array(0) public * _validation => NULL public * _object => array(19) ( "id_seo" => string(4) "9881" "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_category" => NULL "id_brand" => NULL "id_content" => NULL "id_comment" => NULL "controller" => string(7) "Product" "id" => string(4) "3207" "action" => string(5) "index" "url" => string(37) "/video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi.html" "alias" => string(16) "marilyn-hd-wi-fi" "meta_title" => string(185) "[name] купить видеодомофон Wi-Fi в Москве | Цена [price] руб. | Бесплатная доставка! | — интернет-магазин" "meta_desc" => string(261) "[name] — видеодомофон с 7 дюймовым экраном, Wi-Fi, формат видео AHD, TVI, CVI, CVBS, детектор движения.☝Оптовые закупки☝Официал …" "meta_keywords" => string(474) "[name], купить [name], домофон [brand],, видеодомофоны.рус, видеодомофон [brand], монитор домофона [brand], домофон …" "old_url" => NULL "str_find" => string(307) "883207 3207 tantos marilyn hd wi fi для квартиры квартиру видеодомофон домофон видеодомофона без трубки ip записью запись датчик …" "img_directory" => string(17) "/images/p/3/2/0/7" "breadcrumb" => string(2498) "<div id="breadcrumb" class="p-3"><ul class="p-0 m-0 d-flex flex-wrap" itemscope itemtype= …" "date_update" => string(19) "2022-07-21 17:10:33" ) public * _changed => array(0) public * _original_values => array(19) ( "id_seo" => string(4) "9881" "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_category" => NULL "id_brand" => NULL "id_content" => NULL "id_comment" => NULL "controller" => string(7) "Product" "id" => string(4) "3207" "action" => string(5) "index" "url" => string(37) "/video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi.html" "alias" => string(16) "marilyn-hd-wi-fi" "meta_title" => string(185) "[name] купить видеодомофон Wi-Fi в Москве | Цена [price] руб. | Бесплатная доставка! | — интернет-магазин" "meta_desc" => string(261) "[name] — видеодомофон с 7 дюймовым экраном, Wi-Fi, формат видео AHD, TVI, CVI, CVBS, детектор движения.☝Оптовые закупки☝Официал …" "meta_keywords" => string(474) "[name], купить [name], домофон [brand],, видеодомофоны.рус, видеодомофон [brand], монитор домофона [brand], домофон …" "old_url" => NULL "str_find" => string(307) "883207 3207 tantos marilyn hd wi fi для квартиры квартиру видеодомофон домофон видеодомофона без трубки ip записью запись датчик …" "img_directory" => string(17) "/images/p/3/2/0/7" "breadcrumb" => string(2498) "<div id="breadcrumb" class="p-3"><ul class="p-0 m-0 d-flex flex-wrap" itemscope itemtype= …" "date_update" => string(19) "2022-07-21 17:10:33" ) public * _related => array(0) public * _valid => bool TRUE public * _loaded => bool TRUE public * _saved => bool FALSE public * _sorting => NULL public * _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" public * _object_name => string(9) "front_seo" public * _object_plural => string(10) "front_seos" public * _table_columns => array(19) ( "id_seo" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(6) "id_seo" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_product" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_product" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_category" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(11) "id_category" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_brand" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "id_brand" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_content" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_content" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_comment" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_comment" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "controller" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "controller" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "action" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "action" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "url" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "url" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "UNI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "alias" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "alias" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(10) "meta_title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_desc" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "meta_desc" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_keywords" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(13) "meta_keywords" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "old_url" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "old_url" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "str_find" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "str_find" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img_directory" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(13) "img_directory" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 17 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "breadcrumb" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(10) "breadcrumb" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 18 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_update" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(11) "date_update" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 19 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) public * _updated_column => NULL public * _created_column => NULL public * _serialize_columns => array(0) public * _primary_key_value => string(4) "9881" public * _table_names_plural => bool TRUE public * _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"brand" => object Model_Front_Brand(34){ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18)
public * _db_group => NULL public * _db_applied => array(0) public * _db_pending => array(0) public * _db_reset => bool TRUE public * _db_builder => NULL public * _with_applied => array(0) public * _cast_data => array(0) public * _errors_filename => string(9) "front_seo" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
public * _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(5) ( "hostname" => string(15) "" "database" => string(5) "db_vd" "port" => NULL "socket" => NULL "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool TRUE ) }{ public * _table_name => string(5) "brand" public _primary_key => string(8) "id_brand" public * _has_one => array(2) ( "seo" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "id_brand" "model" => string(9) "Front_Seo" ) "image" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "id_brand" "model" => string(11) "Front_Image" ) ) public * _belongs_to => array(0) public * _has_many => array(0) public * _load_with => array(0) public * _validation => NULL public * _object => array(12) ( "id_brand" => string(1) "8" "kurs" => string(5) "69.00" "title" => string(6) "Tantos" "desc_top" => string(781) "<h1>Видеодомофоны Tantos</h1><p>Tantos – канадский бренд, название которого произошло от индийского племени шеванезов и переводи …" "desc_end" => string(4621) "<p>В интернет-магазине можно заказать и приобрести продукцию напрямую от канадского производителя. Мы предлагаем на …" "date_add" => string(19) "2021-02-28 08:30:38" "date_edit" => string(19) "2025-01-31 16:00:39" "cb" => string(1) "0" "cb_proc" => string(1) "0" "position" => string(1) "4" "valuta" => string(1) "0" "image" => string(6) "tantos" ) public * _changed => array(0) public * _original_values => array(12) ( "id_brand" => string(1) "8" "kurs" => string(5) "69.00" "title" => string(6) "Tantos" "desc_top" => string(781) "<h1>Видеодомофоны Tantos</h1><p>Tantos – канадский бренд, название которого произошло от индийского племени шеванезов и переводи …" "desc_end" => string(4621) "<p>В интернет-магазине можно заказать и приобрести продукцию напрямую от канадского производителя. Мы предлагаем на …" "date_add" => string(19) "2021-02-28 08:30:38" "date_edit" => string(19) "2025-01-31 16:00:39" "cb" => string(1) "0" "cb_proc" => string(1) "0" "position" => string(1) "4" "valuta" => string(1) "0" "image" => string(6) "tantos" ) public * _related => array(0) public * _valid => bool TRUE public * _loaded => bool TRUE public * _saved => bool FALSE public * _sorting => NULL public * _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" public * _object_name => string(11) "front_brand" public * _object_plural => string(12) "front_brands" public * _table_columns => array(12) ( "id_brand" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "id_brand" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "kurs" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(4) "kurs" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "12" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "desc_top" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(8) "desc_top" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "desc_end" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(8) "desc_end" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_add" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "date_add" "column_default" => string(17) "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(45) "DEFAULT_GENERATED on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_edit" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "date_edit" "column_default" => string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00" "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cb" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "cb" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cb_proc" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "cb_proc" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "position" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "position" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "valuta" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(6) "valuta" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "image" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "image" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) public * _updated_column => NULL public * _created_column => NULL public * _serialize_columns => array(0) public * _primary_key_value => string(1) "8" public * _table_names_plural => bool TRUE public * _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
) public * _valid => bool TRUE public * _loaded => bool TRUE public * _saved => bool FALSE public * _sorting => NULL public * _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" public * _object_name => string(13) "front_product" public * _object_plural => string(14) "front_products" public * _table_columns => array(24) ( "id_product" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_product" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_brand" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "id_brand" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_category" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(11) "id_category" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "price1" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(6) "price1" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "12" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "price2" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(6) "price2" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "price3" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(6) "price3" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "kurs" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(4) "kurs" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "12" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "desc" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "desc" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "short_desc" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(10) "short_desc" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "short_desc_kt" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(13) "short_desc_kt" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_add" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "date_add" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_edit" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "date_edit" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_status" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "id_status" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "block_s" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "block_s" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "zakupka1" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(8) "zakupka1" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "10" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "zakupka2" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(8) "zakupka2" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 17 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "10" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "zakupka3" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(8) "zakupka3" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 18 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "10" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "not_seo_auto" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(12) "not_seo_auto" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 19 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cnt_load" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "cnt_load" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 20 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_sticky" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "id_sticky" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 21 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_price" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(11) "title_price" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 22 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "url_postav" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(10) "url_postav" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 23 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "auto_komplekt" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(13) "auto_komplekt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 24 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) public * _updated_column => NULL public * _created_column => NULL public * _serialize_columns => array(0) public * _primary_key_value => string(4) "3207" public * _table_names_plural => bool TRUE public * _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6){ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18)
public * _db_group => NULL public * _db_applied => array(0) public * _db_pending => array(0) public * _db_reset => bool TRUE public * _db_builder => NULL public * _with_applied => array(0) public * _cast_data => array(0) public * _errors_filename => string(11) "front_brand" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
public * _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(5) ( "hostname" => string(15) "" "database" => string(5) "db_vd" "port" => NULL "socket" => NULL "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool TRUE ) }{ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18)
public * _db_group => NULL public * _db_applied => array(0) public * _db_pending => array(0) public * _db_reset => bool TRUE public * _db_builder => NULL public * _with_applied => array(0) public * _cast_data => array(0) public * _errors_filename => string(13) "front_product" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
public * _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(5) ( "hostname" => string(15) "" "database" => string(5) "db_vd" "port" => NULL "socket" => NULL "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool TRUE ) }{ public dostavka => integer 400 public free_dostavka => integer 5000000 public sticky => array(4) ( 1 => array(2) ( "title" => string(19) "Хит продаж" "ico" => string(27) "<i class="fas fa-fire"></i>" ) 2 => array(2) ( "title" => string(14) "Новинка" "ico" => string(27) "<i class="fas fa-bell"></i>" ) 3 => array(2) ( "title" => string(15) "По акции" "ico" => string(31) "<i class="fas fa-bullhorn"></i>" ) 4 => array(2) ( "title" => string(23) "Рекомендуем!" "ico" => string(32) "<i class="fas fa-thumbs-up"></i>" ) ) public status => array(5) ( 1 => string(17) "В наличии" 2 => string(17) "Под заказ" 3 => string(24) "Нет в наличии" 4 => string(38) "Снято с производства" 5 => string(35) "Ожидается поставка" ) public block_s => array(2) ( 1 => integer 91 2 => integer 92 ) public base_dir => string(43) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" public g_dostavka => array(3) ( "text" => string(14) "вторник" "date_end" => string(10) "2016-07-17" "day" => integer 2 ) public header_menu => array(5) ( "Контакты" => string(13) "kontakty.html" "О нас" => string(10) "o-nas.html" "Оплата" => string(11) "oplata.html" "Доставка" => string(13) "dostavka.html" "Акции!" => string(6) "akcii/" ) public catalog => string(0) "" public category_market => array(27) ( 11 => array(1) ( "title" => string(30) "Видеонаблюдение" ) 51 => array(1) ( "title" => string(34) "Видеорегистраторы" ) 14 => array(1) ( "title" => string(26) "Видеодомофоны" ) 15 => array(2) ( "title" => string(59) "Видеодомофоны для частного дома" "parent" => integer 14 ) 80 => array(2) ( "title" => string(57) "Многоквартирные видеодомофоны" "parent" => integer 14 ) 18 => array(2) ( "title" => string(29) "IP видеодомофоны" "parent" => integer 14 ) 19 => array(2) ( "title" => string(43) "Видеодомофоны c записью" "parent" => integer 14 ) 20 => array(2) ( "title" => string(62) "Видеодомофоны c датчиком движения" "parent" => integer 14 ) 21 => array(2) ( "title" => string(43) "Видеодомофоны c памятью" "parent" => integer 14 ) 23 => array(2) ( "title" => string(51) "Координатные видеодомофоны" "parent" => integer 14 ) 24 => array(2) ( "title" => string(43) "Цифровые видеодомофоны" "parent" => integer 14 ) 12 => array(2) ( "title" => string(50) "Видеодомофоны для квартиры" "parent" => integer 14 ) 102 => array(2) ( "title" => string(93) "Готовые комплекты видеодомофона для частного дома" "parent" => integer 14 ) 101 => array(2) ( "title" => string(84) "Готовые комплекты видеодомофона для квартиры" "parent" => integer 14 ) 30 => array(1) ( "title" => string(29) "Вызывные панели" ) 35 => array(1) ( "title" => string(8) "СКУД" ) 28 => array(1) ( "title" => string(52) "Домофоны с видеонаблюдением" ) 162 => array(1) ( "title" => string(43) "Комплект видеодомофона" ) 167 => array(1) ( "title" => string(55) "Комплект видеодомофона от Tantos" ) 78 => array(1) ( "title" => string(23) "Блок питания" ) 79 => array(1) ( "title" => string(29) "Блок сопряжения" ) 47 => array(1) ( "title" => string(27) "Гибкий переход" ) 32 => array(1) ( "title" => string(35) "Монтажный материал" ) 37 => array(1) ( "title" => string(49) "Электромеханические замки" ) 38 => array(1) ( "title" => string(43) "Электромагнитные замки" ) 57 => array(1) ( "title" => string(58) "Цветные камеры видеонаблюдения" ) 125 => array(1) ( "title" => string(56) "IP-видеокамеры видеонаблюдения" ) ) public image => array(3) ( "product" => array(2) ( "path" => string(52) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" "size" => array(6) ( 0 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 40 "height" => integer 40 ) 1 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 80 "height" => integer 70 ) 2 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 96 "height" => integer 96 ) 3 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 180 "height" => integer 120 ) 4 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 280 "height" => integer 280 ) 5 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 1028 "height" => integer 1028 ) ) ) "brand" => array(2) ( "path" => string(56) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" "size" => array(3) ( 0 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 72 "height" => integer 72 ) 1 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 100 "height" => integer 12 ) 2 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 100 "height" => integer 100 ) ) ) "content" => array(3) ( "path" => string(67) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" "pathUrl" => string(24) "/images/content/cms_list" "size" => array(2) ( 0 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 65 "height" => integer 43 ) 1 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 180 "height" => integer 120 ) ) ) ) }
"desc_cat" => string(1158) "<p>В интернет-магазине <b>видеодомофоны.рус</b> вы можете купить монитор видеодомофона Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi для квартиры и ча …" "bs" => string(0) "" "komplekt" => array(0) "linkOtziv" => array(0) "desc" => string(3599) "<p>Монитор цветного видеодомофона 7 дюймов с емкостным сенсорным экраном с поддержкой форматов Full HD 1080p, CVBS, с возможност …" "colors" => string(0) "" "sticky" => array(0) "sale_price" => integer 0 "status" => string(17) "Под заказ" "list_instruct" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ public * _internal_row => integer 0 public * _query => string(67) "SELECT * FROM `links` WHERE `id_product`=3207 AND `type`="instruct"" public * _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"list_video" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
public * _total_rows => integer 1 public * _current_row => integer 0 public * _as_object => bool FALSE public * _object_params => NULL }{ public * _internal_row => integer 0 public * _query => string(64) "SELECT * FROM `links` WHERE `id_product`=3207 AND `type`="video"" public * _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"products_soputstv" => object Response(5){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
public * _total_rows => integer 0 public * _current_row => integer 0 public * _as_object => bool FALSE public * _object_params => NULL }{ public * _status => integer 200 public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
"products_analog" => object Response(5){ }
public * _body => string(8189) " <div class="title-kt-products"> С этим товаром часто покупают </div> <div class="splide …" public * _cookies => array(0) public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" }{ public * _status => integer 200 public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
"products_zamena" => array(3) ( "title" => string(20) "Marilyn HD Wi-Fi IPS" "link" => string(41) "/video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi-ips.html" "link_image" => string(52) "/images/p/1/6/5/4/4/marilyn-hd-wi-fi-ips_1_96x96.jpg" ) "rating" => array(2) ( "total" => string(1) "1" "rating" => float 5 ) "list_coments" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ }
public * _body => string(8277) " <div class="title-kt-products"> Похожие товары </div> <div class="splide kt-products"> …" public * _cookies => array(0) public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" }{ public * _internal_row => integer 1 public * _query => string(150) "SELECT `comment`,`user`,`email`,`rating`,`date_add` FROM `comment` WHERE `id_product` = 3207 AND `spam` = 1 AND `id_parent`=0 OR …" public * _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"comments" => object Response(5){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
public * _total_rows => integer 1 public * _current_row => integer 1 public * _as_object => bool FALSE public * _object_params => NULL }{ public * _status => integer 200 public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
"countComment" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ }
public * _body => string(1785) " <div class="mb-4 "> <div class="rating pb-2"> <i class="fs-085 color …" public * _cookies => array(0) public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" }{ public * _internal_row => integer 0 public * _query => string(98) "SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM `comment` WHERE `id_product` = 3207 AND `spam` = 1 AND `id_parent` = 0" public * _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"size_image" => NULL "size_image_big" => NULL "size_image_smail" => NULL "product" => object Model_Front_Product(34){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
public * _total_rows => integer 1 public * _current_row => integer 0 public * _as_object => bool FALSE public * _object_params => NULL }{ public * _table_name => string(7) "product" public _primary_key => string(10) "id_product" public * _has_one => array(8) ( "seo" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(9) "Front_Seo" ) "image" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(11) "Front_Image" ) "skidka" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(12) "Front_Skidka" ) "market" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(12) "Front_Market" ) "links" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(11) "Front_Links" ) "kt_fields" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(14) "Front_KtFields" ) "status" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "id_status" "model" => string(19) "Front_StatusProduct" ) "category" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(11) "id_category" "model" => string(14) "Front_Category" ) ) public * _belongs_to => array(1) ( "brand" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "id_brand" "model" => string(11) "Front_Brand" ) ) public * _has_many => array(1) ( "features" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "feature_id" "model" => string(20) "Front_ProductFeature" ) ) public * _load_with => array(0) public * _validation => NULL public * _object => array(24) ( "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_brand" => string(1) "8" "id_category" => string(2) "14" "title" => string(23) "Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "price1" => string(4) "0.00" "price2" => string(5) "31005" "price3" => string(5) "31005" "kurs" => NULL "desc" => string(3599) "<p>Монитор цветного видеодомофона 7 дюймов с емкостным сенсорным экраном с поддержкой форматов Full HD 1080p, CVBS, с возможност …" "short_desc" => NULL "short_desc_kt" => string(311) "<ul> <li><b>Сенсорный 7"</b> дюймовый экран (1024х600)</li> <li><b>WiFi</b> модуль для управления через смартфон</li> …" "date_add" => NULL "date_edit" => string(19) "2022-07-21 17:10:33" "id_status" => string(1) "2" "block_s" => NULL "zakupka1" => string(4) "0.00" "zakupka2" => string(4) "0.00" "zakupka3" => string(4) "0.00" "not_seo_auto" => string(1) "0" "cnt_load" => string(6) "388078" "id_sticky" => NULL "title_price" => string(16) "Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "url_postav" => string(49) "" "auto_komplekt" => string(1) "1" ) public * _changed => array(0) public * _original_values => array(24) ( "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_brand" => string(1) "8" "id_category" => string(2) "14" "title" => string(23) "Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "price1" => string(4) "0.00" "price2" => string(5) "31005" "price3" => string(5) "31005" "kurs" => NULL "desc" => string(3599) "<p>Монитор цветного видеодомофона 7 дюймов с емкостным сенсорным экраном с поддержкой форматов Full HD 1080p, CVBS, с возможност …" "short_desc" => NULL "short_desc_kt" => string(311) "<ul> <li><b>Сенсорный 7"</b> дюймовый экран (1024х600)</li> <li><b>WiFi</b> модуль для управления через смартфон</li> …" "date_add" => NULL "date_edit" => string(19) "2022-07-21 17:10:33" "id_status" => string(1) "2" "block_s" => NULL "zakupka1" => string(4) "0.00" "zakupka2" => string(4) "0.00" "zakupka3" => string(4) "0.00" "not_seo_auto" => string(1) "0" "cnt_load" => string(6) "388078" "id_sticky" => NULL "title_price" => string(16) "Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "url_postav" => string(49) "" "auto_komplekt" => string(1) "1" ) public * _related => array(4) ( "kt_fields" => object Model_Front_KtFields(34)
"i" => integer 17 "val" => array(5) ( "comment" => string(903) "Купил этот монитор (и панель тринити к нему) в августе 2020, за все время использования ни разу не заглючил, работает стабильн …" "user" => string(8) "Олег" "email" => string(16) "" "rating" => string(1) "5" "date_add" => string(19) "2021-02-15 08:41:35" ) "urlImg" => string(49) "/images/p/3/2/0/7/marilyn-hd-wi-fi_17_280x280.jpg" "widthI" => integer 158 "heightI" => integer 280 ){ public * _table_name => string(9) "kt_fields" public _primary_key => string(10) "id_product" public * _has_one => array(0) public * _belongs_to => array(0) public * _has_many => array(0) public * _load_with => array(0) public * _validation => NULL public * _object => array(22) ( "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "products_soputstv" => string(36) "["2918","2790","2789","2788","7643"]" "products_analog" => string(39) "["16544","3234","17669","3177","18005"]" "products_color" => string(0) "" "products_komplect" => string(0) "" "title_text" => NULL "schemes" => NULL "name_chemes" => NULL "note_schemes" => NULL "name_instruct" => NULL "name_flash" => NULL "free_dostavka" => string(1) "0" "day_dostavka" => NULL "monitor" => string(0) "" "panel" => string(0) "" "h1" => string(48) "Видеодомофон Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "video" => NULL "note_video" => NULL "text_feature" => string(3210) " <div> <span>Дисплей </span> <span>TFT, цветной, сенсорный, 7 дюймов, 1024х600</span> </div> <div> <span>Управление </span> <spa …" "instruct" => NULL "products_dubl" => string(0) "" "products_zamena" => string(16) "["16544","7644"]" ) public * _changed => array(0) public * _original_values => array(22) ( "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "products_soputstv" => string(36) "["2918","2790","2789","2788","7643"]" "products_analog" => string(39) "["16544","3234","17669","3177","18005"]" "products_color" => string(0) "" "products_komplect" => string(0) "" "title_text" => NULL "schemes" => NULL "name_chemes" => NULL "note_schemes" => NULL "name_instruct" => NULL "name_flash" => NULL "free_dostavka" => string(1) "0" "day_dostavka" => NULL "monitor" => string(0) "" "panel" => string(0) "" "h1" => string(48) "Видеодомофон Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "video" => NULL "note_video" => NULL "text_feature" => string(3210) " <div> <span>Дисплей </span> <span>TFT, цветной, сенсорный, 7 дюймов, 1024х600</span> </div> <div> <span>Управление </span> <spa …" "instruct" => NULL "products_dubl" => string(0) "" "products_zamena" => string(16) "["16544","7644"]" ) public * _related => array(0) public * _valid => bool TRUE public * _loaded => bool TRUE public * _saved => bool FALSE public * _sorting => NULL public * _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" public * _object_name => string(14) "front_ktfields" public * _object_plural => string(16) "front_ktfieldses" public * _table_columns => array(22) ( "id_product" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_product" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "products_soputstv" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(17) "products_soputstv" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "products_analog" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(15) "products_analog" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 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"name_chemes" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(11) "name_chemes" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "55" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "note_schemes" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(12) "note_schemes" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name_instruct" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(13) "name_instruct" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name_flash" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "name_flash" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "free_dostavka" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(13) "free_dostavka" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "day_dostavka" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(12) "day_dostavka" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "12" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "monitor" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "monitor" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "25" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "panel" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "panel" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "25" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "h1" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(2) "h1" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "video" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "video" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 17 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "note_video" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "note_video" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 18 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text_feature" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(12) "text_feature" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 19 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "instruct" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(8) "instruct" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 20 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "products_dubl" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(13) "products_dubl" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 21 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "products_zamena" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(15) "products_zamena" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 22 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) public * _updated_column => NULL public * _created_column => NULL public * _serialize_columns => array(0) public * _primary_key_value => string(4) "3207" public * _table_names_plural => bool TRUE public * _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"image" => object Model_Front_Image(34){ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18)
public * _db_group => NULL public * _db_applied => array(0) public * _db_pending => array(0) public * _db_reset => bool TRUE public * _db_builder => NULL public * _with_applied => array(0) public * _cast_data => array(0) public * _errors_filename => string(14) "front_ktfields" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
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string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "count" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(5) "count" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_product" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_product" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_category" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(11) "id_category" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_brand" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "id_brand" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_content" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_content" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "main" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(4) "main" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "original" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(8) "original" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_add" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "date_add" "column_default" => string(17) "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(45) "DEFAULT_GENERATED on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_edit" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "date_edit" "column_default" => string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00" "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) public * _updated_column => NULL public * _created_column => NULL public * _serialize_columns => array(0) public * _primary_key_value => string(5) "17013" public * _table_names_plural => bool TRUE public * _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"seo" => object Model_Front_Seo(34){ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18)
public * _db_group => NULL public * _db_applied => array(0) public * _db_pending => array(0) public * _db_reset => bool TRUE public * _db_builder => NULL public * _with_applied => array(0) public * _cast_data => array(0) public * _errors_filename => string(11) "front_image" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
public * _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(5) ( "hostname" => string(15) "" "database" => string(5) "db_vd" "port" => NULL "socket" => NULL "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool TRUE ) }{ public * _table_name => string(3) "seo" public _primary_key => string(6) "id_seo" public * _has_one => array(0) public * _belongs_to => array(0) public * _has_many => array(0) public * _load_with => array(0) public * _validation => NULL public * _object => array(19) ( "id_seo" => string(4) "9881" "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_category" => NULL "id_brand" => NULL "id_content" => NULL "id_comment" => NULL "controller" => string(7) "Product" "id" => string(4) "3207" "action" => string(5) "index" "url" => string(37) "/video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi.html" "alias" => string(16) "marilyn-hd-wi-fi" "meta_title" => string(185) "[name] купить видеодомофон Wi-Fi в Москве | Цена [price] руб. | Бесплатная доставка! | — интернет-магазин" "meta_desc" => string(261) "[name] — видеодомофон с 7 дюймовым экраном, Wi-Fi, формат видео AHD, TVI, CVI, CVBS, детектор движения.☝Оптовые закупки☝Официал …" "meta_keywords" => string(474) "[name], купить [name], домофон [brand],, видеодомофоны.рус, видеодомофон [brand], монитор домофона [brand], домофон …" "old_url" => NULL "str_find" => string(307) "883207 3207 tantos marilyn hd wi fi для квартиры квартиру видеодомофон домофон видеодомофона без трубки ip записью запись датчик …" "img_directory" => string(17) "/images/p/3/2/0/7" "breadcrumb" => string(2498) "<div id="breadcrumb" class="p-3"><ul class="p-0 m-0 d-flex flex-wrap" itemscope itemtype= …" "date_update" => string(19) "2022-07-21 17:10:33" ) public * _changed => array(0) public * _original_values => array(19) ( "id_seo" => string(4) "9881" "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_category" => NULL "id_brand" => NULL "id_content" => NULL "id_comment" => NULL "controller" => string(7) "Product" "id" => string(4) "3207" "action" => string(5) "index" "url" => string(37) "/video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi.html" "alias" => string(16) "marilyn-hd-wi-fi" "meta_title" => string(185) "[name] купить видеодомофон Wi-Fi в Москве | Цена [price] руб. | Бесплатная доставка! | — интернет-магазин" "meta_desc" => string(261) "[name] — видеодомофон с 7 дюймовым экраном, Wi-Fi, формат видео AHD, TVI, CVI, CVBS, детектор движения.☝Оптовые закупки☝Официал …" "meta_keywords" => string(474) "[name], купить [name], домофон [brand],, видеодомофоны.рус, видеодомофон [brand], монитор домофона [brand], домофон …" "old_url" => NULL "str_find" => string(307) "883207 3207 tantos marilyn hd wi fi для квартиры квартиру видеодомофон домофон видеодомофона без трубки ip записью запись датчик …" "img_directory" => string(17) "/images/p/3/2/0/7" "breadcrumb" => string(2498) "<div id="breadcrumb" class="p-3"><ul class="p-0 m-0 d-flex flex-wrap" itemscope itemtype= …" "date_update" => string(19) "2022-07-21 17:10:33" ) public * _related => array(0) public * _valid => bool TRUE public * _loaded => bool TRUE public * _saved => bool FALSE public * _sorting => NULL public * _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" public * _object_name => string(9) "front_seo" public * _object_plural => string(10) "front_seos" public * _table_columns => array(19) ( "id_seo" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(6) "id_seo" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_product" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_product" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_category" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(11) "id_category" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_brand" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "id_brand" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_content" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_content" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_comment" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_comment" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "controller" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "controller" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "action" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "action" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "url" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "url" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "UNI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "alias" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "alias" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(10) "meta_title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_desc" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "meta_desc" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_keywords" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(13) "meta_keywords" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "old_url" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "old_url" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "str_find" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "str_find" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img_directory" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(13) "img_directory" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 17 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "breadcrumb" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(10) "breadcrumb" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 18 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_update" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(11) "date_update" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 19 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) public * _updated_column => NULL public * _created_column => NULL public * _serialize_columns => array(0) public * _primary_key_value => string(4) "9881" public * _table_names_plural => bool TRUE public * _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"brand" => object Model_Front_Brand(34){ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18)
public * _db_group => NULL public * _db_applied => array(0) public * _db_pending => array(0) public * _db_reset => bool TRUE public * _db_builder => NULL public * _with_applied => array(0) public * _cast_data => array(0) public * _errors_filename => string(9) "front_seo" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
public * _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(5) ( "hostname" => string(15) "" "database" => string(5) "db_vd" "port" => NULL "socket" => NULL "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool TRUE ) }{ public * _table_name => string(5) "brand" public _primary_key => string(8) "id_brand" public * _has_one => array(2) ( "seo" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "id_brand" "model" => string(9) "Front_Seo" ) "image" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "id_brand" "model" => string(11) "Front_Image" ) ) public * _belongs_to => array(0) public * _has_many => array(0) public * _load_with => array(0) public * _validation => NULL public * _object => array(12) ( "id_brand" => string(1) "8" "kurs" => string(5) "69.00" "title" => string(6) "Tantos" "desc_top" => string(781) "<h1>Видеодомофоны Tantos</h1><p>Tantos – канадский бренд, название которого произошло от индийского племени шеванезов и переводи …" "desc_end" => string(4621) "<p>В интернет-магазине можно заказать и приобрести продукцию напрямую от канадского производителя. Мы предлагаем на …" "date_add" => string(19) "2021-02-28 08:30:38" "date_edit" => string(19) "2025-01-31 16:00:39" "cb" => string(1) "0" "cb_proc" => string(1) "0" "position" => string(1) "4" "valuta" => string(1) "0" "image" => string(6) "tantos" ) public * _changed => array(0) public * _original_values => array(12) ( "id_brand" => string(1) "8" "kurs" => string(5) "69.00" "title" => string(6) "Tantos" "desc_top" => string(781) "<h1>Видеодомофоны Tantos</h1><p>Tantos – канадский бренд, название которого произошло от индийского племени шеванезов и переводи …" "desc_end" => string(4621) "<p>В интернет-магазине можно заказать и приобрести продукцию напрямую от канадского производителя. Мы предлагаем на …" "date_add" => string(19) "2021-02-28 08:30:38" "date_edit" => string(19) "2025-01-31 16:00:39" "cb" => string(1) "0" "cb_proc" => string(1) "0" "position" => string(1) "4" "valuta" => string(1) "0" "image" => string(6) "tantos" ) public * _related => array(0) public * _valid => bool TRUE public * _loaded => bool TRUE public * _saved => bool FALSE public * _sorting => NULL public * _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" public * _object_name => string(11) "front_brand" public * _object_plural => string(12) "front_brands" public * _table_columns => array(12) ( "id_brand" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "id_brand" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "kurs" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(4) "kurs" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "12" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "desc_top" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(8) "desc_top" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "desc_end" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(8) "desc_end" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_add" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "date_add" "column_default" => string(17) "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(45) "DEFAULT_GENERATED on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_edit" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "date_edit" "column_default" => string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00" "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cb" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "cb" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cb_proc" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "cb_proc" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "position" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "position" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "valuta" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(6) "valuta" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "image" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "image" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) public * _updated_column => NULL public * _created_column => NULL public * _serialize_columns => array(0) public * _primary_key_value => string(1) "8" public * _table_names_plural => bool TRUE public * _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
) public * _valid => bool TRUE public * _loaded => bool TRUE public * _saved => bool FALSE public * _sorting => NULL public * _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" public * _object_name => string(13) "front_product" public * _object_plural => string(14) "front_products" public * _table_columns => array(24) ( "id_product" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_product" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_brand" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "id_brand" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_category" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(11) "id_category" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "price1" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(6) "price1" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "12" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "price2" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(6) "price2" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "price3" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(6) "price3" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "kurs" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(4) "kurs" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "12" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "desc" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "desc" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "short_desc" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(10) "short_desc" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "short_desc_kt" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(13) "short_desc_kt" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_add" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "date_add" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_edit" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "date_edit" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_status" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "id_status" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "block_s" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "block_s" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "zakupka1" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(8) "zakupka1" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "10" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "zakupka2" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(8) "zakupka2" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 17 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "10" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "zakupka3" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(8) "zakupka3" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 18 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "10" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "not_seo_auto" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(12) "not_seo_auto" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 19 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cnt_load" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "cnt_load" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 20 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_sticky" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "id_sticky" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 21 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_price" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(11) "title_price" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 22 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "url_postav" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(10) "url_postav" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 23 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "auto_komplekt" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(13) "auto_komplekt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 24 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) public * _updated_column => NULL public * _created_column => NULL public * _serialize_columns => array(0) public * _primary_key_value => string(4) "3207" public * _table_names_plural => bool TRUE public * _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6){ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18)
public * _db_group => NULL public * _db_applied => array(0) public * _db_pending => array(0) public * _db_reset => bool TRUE public * _db_builder => NULL public * _with_applied => array(0) public * _cast_data => array(0) public * _errors_filename => string(11) "front_brand" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
public * _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(5) ( "hostname" => string(15) "" "database" => string(5) "db_vd" "port" => NULL "socket" => NULL "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool TRUE ) }{ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18)
public * _db_group => NULL public * _db_applied => array(0) public * _db_pending => array(0) public * _db_reset => bool TRUE public * _db_builder => NULL public * _with_applied => array(0) public * _cast_data => array(0) public * _errors_filename => string(13) "front_product" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
public * _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(5) ( "hostname" => string(15) "" "database" => string(5) "db_vd" "port" => NULL "socket" => NULL "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool TRUE ) } -
APPPATH/views/front/v_product.php [ 62 ] » getimagesize(arguments)
string(92) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/"
57 </li> 58 <? for ($i = 1; $i <= $product->image->count; $i++): ?> 59 <? if ($product->image->main != $i): ?> 60 <?php 61 $urlImg = Tools::getImgWebp($product->seo->img_directory . '/' . $product->seo->alias . '_' . $i . '_280x280.jpg'); 62 list($widthI, $heightI) = getimagesize($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$urlImg); 63 ?> 64 <li class="item-image" data-src="<?= Tools::getImgWebp($product->seo->img_directory . '/' . $product->seo->alias . '_' . $i . '_1028x1028.jpg') ?>" data-thumb="<?= Tools::getImgWebp($product->seo->img_directory . '/' . $product->seo->alias . '_' . $i . '_40x40.jpg') ?>"> 65 <img src="<?=$urlImg?>" width="<?=$widthI?>" height="<?=$heightI?>" alt="<?= $product->title ?> - изображение <?= $i ?>"> 66 </li> 67 <? endif ?>
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 62 ] » include(arguments)
string(81) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/"
57 ob_start(); 58 59 try 60 { 61 // Load the view within the current scope 62 include $kohana_view_filename; 63 } 64 catch (Exception $e) 65 { 66 // Delete the output buffer 67 ob_end_clean();
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 359 ] » Kohana_View::capture(arguments)
string(81) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/"
array(23) ( "config" => object Config_Group(11)
{ public dostavka => integer 400 public free_dostavka => integer 5000000 public sticky => array(4) ( 1 => array(2) ( "title" => string(19) "Хит продаж" "ico" => string(27) "<i class="fas fa-fire"></i>" ) 2 => array(2) ( "title" => string(14) "Новинка" "ico" => string(27) "<i class="fas fa-bell"></i>" ) 3 => array(2) ( "title" => string(15) "По акции" "ico" => string(31) "<i class="fas fa-bullhorn"></i>" ) 4 => array(2) ( "title" => string(23) "Рекомендуем!" "ico" => string(32) "<i class="fas fa-thumbs-up"></i>" ) ) public status => array(5) ( 1 => string(17) "В наличии" 2 => string(17) "Под заказ" 3 => string(24) "Нет в наличии" 4 => string(38) "Снято с производства" 5 => string(35) "Ожидается поставка" ) public block_s => array(2) ( 1 => integer 91 2 => integer 92 ) public base_dir => string(43) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" public g_dostavka => array(3) ( "text" => string(14) "вторник" "date_end" => string(10) "2016-07-17" "day" => integer 2 ) public header_menu => array(5) ( "Контакты" => string(13) "kontakty.html" "О нас" => string(10) "o-nas.html" "Оплата" => string(11) "oplata.html" "Доставка" => string(13) "dostavka.html" "Акции!" => string(6) "akcii/" ) public catalog => string(0) "" public category_market => array(27) ( 11 => array(1) ( "title" => string(30) "Видеонаблюдение" ) 51 => array(1) ( "title" => string(34) "Видеорегистраторы" ) 14 => array(1) ( "title" => string(26) "Видеодомофоны" ) 15 => array(2) ( "title" => string(59) "Видеодомофоны для частного дома" "parent" => integer 14 ) 80 => array(2) ( "title" => string(57) "Многоквартирные видеодомофоны" "parent" => integer 14 ) 18 => array(2) ( "title" => string(29) "IP видеодомофоны" "parent" => integer 14 ) 19 => array(2) ( "title" => string(43) "Видеодомофоны c записью" "parent" => integer 14 ) 20 => array(2) ( "title" => string(62) "Видеодомофоны c датчиком движения" "parent" => integer 14 ) 21 => array(2) ( "title" => string(43) "Видеодомофоны c памятью" "parent" => integer 14 ) 23 => array(2) ( "title" => string(51) "Координатные видеодомофоны" "parent" => integer 14 ) 24 => array(2) ( "title" => string(43) "Цифровые видеодомофоны" "parent" => integer 14 ) 12 => array(2) ( "title" => string(50) "Видеодомофоны для квартиры" "parent" => integer 14 ) 102 => array(2) ( "title" => string(93) "Готовые комплекты видеодомофона для частного дома" "parent" => integer 14 ) 101 => array(2) ( "title" => string(84) "Готовые комплекты видеодомофона для квартиры" "parent" => integer 14 ) 30 => array(1) ( "title" => string(29) "Вызывные панели" ) 35 => array(1) ( "title" => string(8) "СКУД" ) 28 => array(1) ( "title" => string(52) "Домофоны с видеонаблюдением" ) 162 => array(1) ( "title" => string(43) "Комплект видеодомофона" ) 167 => array(1) ( "title" => string(55) "Комплект видеодомофона от Tantos" ) 78 => array(1) ( "title" => string(23) "Блок питания" ) 79 => array(1) ( "title" => string(29) "Блок сопряжения" ) 47 => array(1) ( "title" => string(27) "Гибкий переход" ) 32 => array(1) ( "title" => string(35) "Монтажный материал" ) 37 => array(1) ( "title" => string(49) "Электромеханические замки" ) 38 => array(1) ( "title" => string(43) "Электромагнитные замки" ) 57 => array(1) ( "title" => string(58) "Цветные камеры видеонаблюдения" ) 125 => array(1) ( "title" => string(56) "IP-видеокамеры видеонаблюдения" ) ) public image => array(3) ( "product" => array(2) ( "path" => string(52) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" "size" => array(6) ( 0 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 40 "height" => integer 40 ) 1 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 80 "height" => integer 70 ) 2 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 96 "height" => integer 96 ) 3 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 180 "height" => integer 120 ) 4 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 280 "height" => integer 280 ) 5 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 1028 "height" => integer 1028 ) ) ) "brand" => array(2) ( "path" => string(56) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" "size" => array(3) ( 0 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 72 "height" => integer 72 ) 1 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 100 "height" => integer 12 ) 2 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 100 "height" => integer 100 ) ) ) "content" => array(3) ( "path" => string(67) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" "pathUrl" => string(24) "/images/content/cms_list" "size" => array(2) ( 0 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 65 "height" => integer 43 ) 1 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 180 "height" => integer 120 ) ) ) ) }
"desc_cat" => string(1158) "<p>В интернет-магазине <b>видеодомофоны.рус</b> вы можете купить монитор видеодомофона Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi для квартиры и ча …" "bs" => string(0) "" "komplekt" => array(0) "linkOtziv" => array(0) "desc" => string(3599) "<p>Монитор цветного видеодомофона 7 дюймов с емкостным сенсорным экраном с поддержкой форматов Full HD 1080p, CVBS, с возможност …" "colors" => string(0) "" "sticky" => array(0) "sale_price" => integer 0 "status" => string(17) "Под заказ" "list_instruct" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ public * _internal_row => integer 0 public * _query => string(67) "SELECT * FROM `links` WHERE `id_product`=3207 AND `type`="instruct"" public * _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"list_video" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
public * _total_rows => integer 1 public * _current_row => integer 0 public * _as_object => bool FALSE public * _object_params => NULL }{ public * _internal_row => integer 0 public * _query => string(64) "SELECT * FROM `links` WHERE `id_product`=3207 AND `type`="video"" public * _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"products_soputstv" => object Response(5){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
public * _total_rows => integer 0 public * _current_row => integer 0 public * _as_object => bool FALSE public * _object_params => NULL }{ public * _status => integer 200 public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
"products_analog" => object Response(5){ }
public * _body => string(8189) " <div class="title-kt-products"> С этим товаром часто покупают </div> <div class="splide …" public * _cookies => array(0) public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" }{ public * _status => integer 200 public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
"products_zamena" => array(3) ( "title" => string(20) "Marilyn HD Wi-Fi IPS" "link" => string(41) "/video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi-ips.html" "link_image" => string(52) "/images/p/1/6/5/4/4/marilyn-hd-wi-fi-ips_1_96x96.jpg" ) "rating" => array(2) ( "total" => string(1) "1" "rating" => float 5 ) "list_coments" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ }
public * _body => string(8277) " <div class="title-kt-products"> Похожие товары </div> <div class="splide kt-products"> …" public * _cookies => array(0) public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" }{ public * _internal_row => integer 1 public * _query => string(150) "SELECT `comment`,`user`,`email`,`rating`,`date_add` FROM `comment` WHERE `id_product` = 3207 AND `spam` = 1 AND `id_parent`=0 OR …" public * _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"comments" => object Response(5){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
public * _total_rows => integer 1 public * _current_row => integer 1 public * _as_object => bool FALSE public * _object_params => NULL }{ public * _status => integer 200 public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
"countComment" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ }
public * _body => string(1785) " <div class="mb-4 "> <div class="rating pb-2"> <i class="fs-085 color …" public * _cookies => array(0) public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" }{ public * _internal_row => integer 0 public * _query => string(98) "SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM `comment` WHERE `id_product` = 3207 AND `spam` = 1 AND `id_parent` = 0" public * _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"size_image" => NULL "size_image_big" => NULL "size_image_smail" => NULL "product" => object Model_Front_Product(34){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
public * _total_rows => integer 1 public * _current_row => integer 0 public * _as_object => bool FALSE public * _object_params => NULL }{ public * _table_name => string(7) "product" public _primary_key => string(10) "id_product" public * _has_one => array(8) ( "seo" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(9) "Front_Seo" ) "image" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(11) "Front_Image" ) "skidka" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(12) "Front_Skidka" ) "market" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(12) "Front_Market" ) "links" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(11) "Front_Links" ) "kt_fields" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(14) "Front_KtFields" ) "status" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "id_status" "model" => string(19) "Front_StatusProduct" ) "category" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(11) "id_category" "model" => string(14) "Front_Category" ) ) public * _belongs_to => array(1) ( "brand" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "id_brand" "model" => string(11) "Front_Brand" ) ) public * _has_many => array(1) ( "features" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "feature_id" "model" => string(20) "Front_ProductFeature" ) ) public * _load_with => array(0) public * _validation => NULL public * _object => array(24) ( "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_brand" => string(1) "8" "id_category" => string(2) "14" "title" => string(23) "Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "price1" => string(4) "0.00" "price2" => string(5) "31005" "price3" => string(5) "31005" "kurs" => NULL "desc" => string(3599) "<p>Монитор цветного видеодомофона 7 дюймов с емкостным сенсорным экраном с поддержкой форматов Full HD 1080p, CVBS, с возможност …" "short_desc" => NULL "short_desc_kt" => string(311) "<ul> <li><b>Сенсорный 7"</b> дюймовый экран (1024х600)</li> <li><b>WiFi</b> модуль для управления через смартфон</li> …" "date_add" => NULL "date_edit" => string(19) "2022-07-21 17:10:33" "id_status" => string(1) "2" "block_s" => NULL "zakupka1" => string(4) "0.00" "zakupka2" => string(4) "0.00" "zakupka3" => string(4) "0.00" "not_seo_auto" => string(1) "0" "cnt_load" => string(6) "388078" "id_sticky" => NULL "title_price" => string(16) "Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "url_postav" => string(49) "" "auto_komplekt" => string(1) "1" ) public * _changed => array(0) public * _original_values => array(24) ( "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_brand" => string(1) "8" "id_category" => string(2) "14" "title" => string(23) "Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "price1" => string(4) "0.00" "price2" => string(5) "31005" "price3" => string(5) "31005" "kurs" => NULL "desc" => string(3599) "<p>Монитор цветного видеодомофона 7 дюймов с емкостным сенсорным экраном с поддержкой форматов Full HD 1080p, CVBS, с возможност …" "short_desc" => NULL "short_desc_kt" => string(311) "<ul> <li><b>Сенсорный 7"</b> дюймовый экран (1024х600)</li> <li><b>WiFi</b> модуль для управления через смартфон</li> …" "date_add" => NULL "date_edit" => string(19) "2022-07-21 17:10:33" "id_status" => string(1) "2" "block_s" => NULL "zakupka1" => string(4) "0.00" "zakupka2" => string(4) "0.00" "zakupka3" => string(4) "0.00" "not_seo_auto" => string(1) "0" "cnt_load" => string(6) "388078" "id_sticky" => NULL "title_price" => string(16) "Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "url_postav" => string(49) "" "auto_komplekt" => string(1) "1" ) public * _related => array(4) ( "kt_fields" => object Model_Front_KtFields(34)
){ public * _table_name => string(9) "kt_fields" public _primary_key => string(10) "id_product" public * _has_one => array(0) public * _belongs_to => array(0) public * _has_many => array(0) public * _load_with => array(0) public * _validation => NULL public * _object => array(22) ( "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "products_soputstv" => string(36) "["2918","2790","2789","2788","7643"]" "products_analog" => string(39) "["16544","3234","17669","3177","18005"]" "products_color" => string(0) "" "products_komplect" => string(0) "" "title_text" => NULL "schemes" => NULL "name_chemes" => NULL "note_schemes" => NULL "name_instruct" => NULL "name_flash" => NULL "free_dostavka" => string(1) "0" "day_dostavka" => NULL "monitor" => string(0) "" "panel" => string(0) "" "h1" => string(48) "Видеодомофон Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "video" => NULL "note_video" => NULL "text_feature" => string(3210) " <div> <span>Дисплей </span> <span>TFT, цветной, сенсорный, 7 дюймов, 1024х600</span> </div> <div> <span>Управление </span> <spa …" "instruct" => NULL "products_dubl" => string(0) "" "products_zamena" => string(16) "["16544","7644"]" ) public * _changed => array(0) public * _original_values => array(22) ( "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "products_soputstv" => string(36) "["2918","2790","2789","2788","7643"]" "products_analog" => string(39) "["16544","3234","17669","3177","18005"]" "products_color" => string(0) "" "products_komplect" => string(0) "" "title_text" => NULL "schemes" => NULL "name_chemes" => NULL "note_schemes" => NULL "name_instruct" => NULL "name_flash" => NULL "free_dostavka" => string(1) "0" "day_dostavka" => NULL "monitor" => string(0) "" "panel" => string(0) "" "h1" => string(48) "Видеодомофон Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "video" => NULL "note_video" => NULL "text_feature" => string(3210) " <div> <span>Дисплей </span> <span>TFT, цветной, сенсорный, 7 дюймов, 1024х600</span> </div> <div> <span>Управление </span> <spa …" "instruct" => NULL "products_dubl" => string(0) "" "products_zamena" => string(16) "["16544","7644"]" ) public * _related => array(0) public * _valid => bool TRUE public * _loaded => bool TRUE public * _saved => bool FALSE public * _sorting => NULL public * _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" public * _object_name => string(14) "front_ktfields" public * _object_plural => string(16) "front_ktfieldses" public * _table_columns => array(22) ( "id_product" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_product" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "products_soputstv" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(17) "products_soputstv" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "products_analog" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(15) "products_analog" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "products_color" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(14) "products_color" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "products_komplect" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(17) "products_komplect" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "title_text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "35" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "schemes" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(7) "schemes" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name_chemes" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(11) "name_chemes" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "55" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "note_schemes" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(12) "note_schemes" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name_instruct" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(13) "name_instruct" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name_flash" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "name_flash" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "free_dostavka" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(13) "free_dostavka" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "day_dostavka" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(12) "day_dostavka" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "12" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "monitor" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "monitor" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "25" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "panel" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "panel" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "25" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "h1" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(2) "h1" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "video" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "video" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 17 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "note_video" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "note_video" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 18 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text_feature" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(12) "text_feature" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 19 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "instruct" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(8) "instruct" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 20 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "products_dubl" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(13) "products_dubl" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 21 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "products_zamena" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(15) "products_zamena" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 22 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) public * _updated_column => NULL public * _created_column => NULL public * _serialize_columns => array(0) public * _primary_key_value => string(4) "3207" public * _table_names_plural => bool TRUE public * _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"image" => object Model_Front_Image(34){ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18)
public * _db_group => NULL public * _db_applied => array(0) public * _db_pending => array(0) public * _db_reset => bool TRUE public * _db_builder => NULL public * _with_applied => array(0) public * _cast_data => array(0) public * _errors_filename => string(14) "front_ktfields" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
public * _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(5) ( "hostname" => string(15) "" "database" => string(5) "db_vd" "port" => NULL "socket" => NULL "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool TRUE ) }{ public * _table_name => string(5) "image" public _primary_key => string(8) "id_image" public * _has_one => array(0) public * _belongs_to => array(0) public * _has_many => array(0) public * _load_with => array(0) public * _validation => NULL public * _object => array(10) ( "id_image" => string(5) "17013" "count" => string(2) "17" "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_category" => string(1) "0" "id_brand" => string(1) "0" "id_content" => string(1) "0" "main" => string(1) "1" "original" => NULL "date_add" => string(19) "2020-03-16 17:04:58" "date_edit" => string(19) "2019-10-21 12:41:59" ) public * _changed => array(0) public * _original_values => array(10) ( "id_image" => string(5) "17013" "count" => string(2) "17" "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_category" => string(1) "0" "id_brand" => string(1) "0" "id_content" => string(1) "0" "main" => string(1) "1" "original" => NULL "date_add" => string(19) "2020-03-16 17:04:58" "date_edit" => string(19) "2019-10-21 12:41:59" ) public * _related => array(0) public * _valid => bool TRUE public * _loaded => bool TRUE public * _saved => bool FALSE public * _sorting => NULL public * _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" public * _object_name => string(11) "front_image" public * _object_plural => string(12) "front_images" public * _table_columns => array(10) ( "id_image" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "id_image" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "count" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(5) "count" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_product" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_product" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_category" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(11) "id_category" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_brand" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "id_brand" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_content" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_content" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "main" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(4) "main" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "original" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(8) "original" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_add" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "date_add" "column_default" => string(17) "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(45) "DEFAULT_GENERATED on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_edit" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "date_edit" "column_default" => string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00" "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) public * _updated_column => NULL public * _created_column => NULL public * _serialize_columns => array(0) public * _primary_key_value => string(5) "17013" public * _table_names_plural => bool TRUE public * _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"seo" => object Model_Front_Seo(34){ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18)
public * _db_group => NULL public * _db_applied => array(0) public * _db_pending => array(0) public * _db_reset => bool TRUE public * _db_builder => NULL public * _with_applied => array(0) public * _cast_data => array(0) public * _errors_filename => string(11) "front_image" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
public * _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(5) ( "hostname" => string(15) "" "database" => string(5) "db_vd" "port" => NULL "socket" => NULL "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool TRUE ) }{ public * _table_name => string(3) "seo" public _primary_key => string(6) "id_seo" public * _has_one => array(0) public * _belongs_to => array(0) public * _has_many => array(0) public * _load_with => array(0) public * _validation => NULL public * _object => array(19) ( "id_seo" => string(4) "9881" "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_category" => NULL "id_brand" => NULL "id_content" => NULL "id_comment" => NULL "controller" => string(7) "Product" "id" => string(4) "3207" "action" => string(5) "index" "url" => string(37) "/video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi.html" "alias" => string(16) "marilyn-hd-wi-fi" "meta_title" => string(185) "[name] купить видеодомофон Wi-Fi в Москве | Цена [price] руб. | Бесплатная доставка! | — интернет-магазин" "meta_desc" => string(261) "[name] — видеодомофон с 7 дюймовым экраном, Wi-Fi, формат видео AHD, TVI, CVI, CVBS, детектор движения.☝Оптовые закупки☝Официал …" "meta_keywords" => string(474) "[name], купить [name], домофон [brand],, видеодомофоны.рус, видеодомофон [brand], монитор домофона [brand], домофон …" "old_url" => NULL "str_find" => string(307) "883207 3207 tantos marilyn hd wi fi для квартиры квартиру видеодомофон домофон видеодомофона без трубки ip записью запись датчик …" "img_directory" => string(17) "/images/p/3/2/0/7" "breadcrumb" => string(2498) "<div id="breadcrumb" class="p-3"><ul class="p-0 m-0 d-flex flex-wrap" itemscope itemtype= …" "date_update" => string(19) "2022-07-21 17:10:33" ) public * _changed => array(0) public * _original_values => array(19) ( "id_seo" => string(4) "9881" "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_category" => NULL "id_brand" => NULL "id_content" => NULL "id_comment" => NULL "controller" => string(7) "Product" "id" => string(4) "3207" "action" => string(5) "index" "url" => string(37) "/video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi.html" "alias" => string(16) "marilyn-hd-wi-fi" "meta_title" => string(185) "[name] купить видеодомофон Wi-Fi в Москве | Цена [price] руб. | Бесплатная доставка! | — интернет-магазин" "meta_desc" => string(261) "[name] — видеодомофон с 7 дюймовым экраном, Wi-Fi, формат видео AHD, TVI, CVI, CVBS, детектор движения.☝Оптовые закупки☝Официал …" "meta_keywords" => string(474) "[name], купить [name], домофон [brand],, видеодомофоны.рус, видеодомофон [brand], монитор домофона [brand], домофон …" "old_url" => NULL "str_find" => string(307) "883207 3207 tantos marilyn hd wi fi для квартиры квартиру видеодомофон домофон видеодомофона без трубки ip записью запись датчик …" "img_directory" => string(17) "/images/p/3/2/0/7" "breadcrumb" => string(2498) "<div id="breadcrumb" class="p-3"><ul class="p-0 m-0 d-flex flex-wrap" itemscope itemtype= …" "date_update" => string(19) "2022-07-21 17:10:33" ) public * _related => array(0) public * _valid => bool TRUE public * _loaded => bool TRUE public * _saved => bool FALSE public * _sorting => NULL public * _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" public * _object_name => string(9) "front_seo" public * _object_plural => string(10) "front_seos" public * _table_columns => array(19) ( "id_seo" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(6) "id_seo" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_product" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_product" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_category" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(11) "id_category" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_brand" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "id_brand" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_content" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_content" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_comment" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_comment" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "controller" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "controller" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "action" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "action" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "url" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "url" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "UNI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "alias" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "alias" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(10) "meta_title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_desc" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "meta_desc" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_keywords" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(13) "meta_keywords" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "old_url" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "old_url" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "str_find" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "str_find" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img_directory" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(13) "img_directory" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 17 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "breadcrumb" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(10) "breadcrumb" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 18 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_update" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(11) "date_update" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 19 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) public * _updated_column => NULL public * _created_column => NULL public * _serialize_columns => array(0) public * _primary_key_value => string(4) "9881" public * _table_names_plural => bool TRUE public * _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"brand" => object Model_Front_Brand(34){ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18)
public * _db_group => NULL public * _db_applied => array(0) public * _db_pending => array(0) public * _db_reset => bool TRUE public * _db_builder => NULL public * _with_applied => array(0) public * _cast_data => array(0) public * _errors_filename => string(9) "front_seo" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
public * _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(5) ( "hostname" => string(15) "" "database" => string(5) "db_vd" "port" => NULL "socket" => NULL "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool TRUE ) }{ public * _table_name => string(5) "brand" public _primary_key => string(8) "id_brand" public * _has_one => array(2) ( "seo" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "id_brand" "model" => string(9) "Front_Seo" ) "image" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "id_brand" "model" => string(11) "Front_Image" ) ) public * _belongs_to => array(0) public * _has_many => array(0) public * _load_with => array(0) public * _validation => NULL public * _object => array(12) ( "id_brand" => string(1) "8" "kurs" => string(5) "69.00" "title" => string(6) "Tantos" "desc_top" => string(781) "<h1>Видеодомофоны Tantos</h1><p>Tantos – канадский бренд, название которого произошло от индийского племени шеванезов и переводи …" "desc_end" => string(4621) "<p>В интернет-магазине можно заказать и приобрести продукцию напрямую от канадского производителя. Мы предлагаем на …" "date_add" => string(19) "2021-02-28 08:30:38" "date_edit" => string(19) "2025-01-31 16:00:39" "cb" => string(1) "0" "cb_proc" => string(1) "0" "position" => string(1) "4" "valuta" => string(1) "0" "image" => string(6) "tantos" ) public * _changed => array(0) public * _original_values => array(12) ( "id_brand" => string(1) "8" "kurs" => string(5) "69.00" "title" => string(6) "Tantos" "desc_top" => string(781) "<h1>Видеодомофоны Tantos</h1><p>Tantos – канадский бренд, название которого произошло от индийского племени шеванезов и переводи …" "desc_end" => string(4621) "<p>В интернет-магазине можно заказать и приобрести продукцию напрямую от канадского производителя. Мы предлагаем на …" "date_add" => string(19) "2021-02-28 08:30:38" "date_edit" => string(19) "2025-01-31 16:00:39" "cb" => string(1) "0" "cb_proc" => string(1) "0" "position" => string(1) "4" "valuta" => string(1) "0" "image" => string(6) "tantos" ) public * _related => array(0) public * _valid => bool TRUE public * _loaded => bool TRUE public * _saved => bool FALSE public * _sorting => NULL public * _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" public * _object_name => string(11) "front_brand" public * _object_plural => string(12) "front_brands" public * _table_columns => array(12) ( "id_brand" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "id_brand" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "kurs" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(4) "kurs" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "12" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "desc_top" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(8) "desc_top" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "desc_end" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(8) "desc_end" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_add" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "date_add" "column_default" => string(17) "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(45) "DEFAULT_GENERATED on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_edit" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "date_edit" "column_default" => string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00" "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cb" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "cb" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cb_proc" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "cb_proc" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "position" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "position" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "valuta" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(6) "valuta" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "image" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "image" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) public * _updated_column => NULL public * _created_column => NULL public * _serialize_columns => array(0) public * _primary_key_value => string(1) "8" public * _table_names_plural => bool TRUE public * _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
) public * _valid => bool TRUE public * _loaded => bool TRUE public * _saved => bool FALSE public * _sorting => NULL public * _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" public * _object_name => string(13) "front_product" public * _object_plural => string(14) "front_products" public * _table_columns => array(24) ( "id_product" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_product" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_brand" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "id_brand" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_category" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(11) "id_category" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "price1" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(6) "price1" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "12" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "price2" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(6) "price2" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "price3" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(6) "price3" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "kurs" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(4) "kurs" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "12" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "desc" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "desc" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "short_desc" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(10) "short_desc" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "short_desc_kt" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(13) "short_desc_kt" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_add" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "date_add" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_edit" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "date_edit" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_status" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "id_status" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "block_s" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "block_s" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "zakupka1" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(8) "zakupka1" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "10" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "zakupka2" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(8) "zakupka2" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 17 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "10" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "zakupka3" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(8) "zakupka3" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 18 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "10" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "not_seo_auto" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(12) "not_seo_auto" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 19 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cnt_load" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "cnt_load" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 20 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_sticky" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "id_sticky" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 21 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_price" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(11) "title_price" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 22 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "url_postav" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(10) "url_postav" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 23 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "auto_komplekt" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(13) "auto_komplekt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 24 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) public * _updated_column => NULL public * _created_column => NULL public * _serialize_columns => array(0) public * _primary_key_value => string(4) "3207" public * _table_names_plural => bool TRUE public * _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6){ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18)
public * _db_group => NULL public * _db_applied => array(0) public * _db_pending => array(0) public * _db_reset => bool TRUE public * _db_builder => NULL public * _with_applied => array(0) public * _cast_data => array(0) public * _errors_filename => string(11) "front_brand" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
public * _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(5) ( "hostname" => string(15) "" "database" => string(5) "db_vd" "port" => NULL "socket" => NULL "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool TRUE ) }{ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18)
public * _db_group => NULL public * _db_applied => array(0) public * _db_pending => array(0) public * _db_reset => bool TRUE public * _db_builder => NULL public * _with_applied => array(0) public * _cast_data => array(0) public * _errors_filename => string(13) "front_product" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
public * _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(5) ( "hostname" => string(15) "" "database" => string(5) "db_vd" "port" => NULL "socket" => NULL "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool TRUE ) }354 { 355 throw new View_Exception('You must set the file to use within your view before rendering'); 356 } 357 358 // Combine local and global data and capture the output 359 return View::capture($this->_file, $this->_data); 360 } 361 362 }
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 236 ] » Kohana_View->render()
231 */ 232 public function __toString() 233 { 234 try 235 { 236 return $this->render(); 237 } 238 catch (Exception $e) 239 { 240 /** 241 * Display the exception message.
APPPATH/views/front/v_main.php [ 194 ] » Kohana_View->__toString()
189 <? endif ?> 190 <? endif ?> 191 </div> 192 <? if (isset($blocks)): ?> 193 <? foreach ($blocks as $block): ?> 194 <?= $block ?> 195 <? endforeach ?> 196 <? endif ?> 197 </div> 198 </div> 199 <footer class="bg pt-3">
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 62 ] » include(arguments)
string(78) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/"
57 ob_start(); 58 59 try 60 { 61 // Load the view within the current scope 62 include $kohana_view_filename; 63 } 64 catch (Exception $e) 65 { 66 // Delete the output buffer 67 ob_end_clean();
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 359 ] » Kohana_View::capture(arguments)
string(78) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/"
array(44) ( "current_page" => string(7) "product" "global_patch_js" => string(9) "media/js/" "patch_images" => string(6) "images" "patch_library" => string(14) "media/library/" "patch_jquery_js" => string(21) "media/library/jquery/" "patch_jquery_css" => string(25) "media/library/jquery/css/" "patch_css" => string(10) "media/css/" "patch_js" => string(9) "media/js/" "patch_img" => string(10) "media/img/" "vadm" => bool FALSE "shop_name_market" => string(12) "" "shop_company_market" => string(12) "" "shop_url_market" => string(20) "" "styles" => array(2) ( 0 => string(39) "media/library/splide/css/splide.min.css" 1 => string(54) "media/library/splide/css/themes/splide-default.min.css" ) "styles_footer" => array(5) ( 0 => string(42) "media/library/jquery/css/jquery-ui.min.css" 1 => string(21) "media/css/product.css" 2 => string(21) "media/css/compare.css" 3 => string(45) "media/library/lightslider/css/lightslider.css" 4 => string(51) "media/library/lightgallery/css/lightgallery.min.css" ) "scripts_footer" => array(10) ( 0 => array(2) ( "url" => string(40) "media/library/jquery/jquery-3.5.0.min.js" "defer" => integer 0 ) 1 => array(2) ( "url" => string(37) "media/library/jquery/jquery-ui.min.js" "defer" => integer 0 ) 2 => array(2) ( "url" => string(46) "media/library/jquery/jquery.maskedinput.min.js" "defer" => integer 1 ) 3 => array(2) ( "url" => string(18) "media/js/script.js" "defer" => integer 1 ) 4 => array(2) ( "url" => string(17) "media/js/tools.js" "defer" => integer 1 ) 5 => array(2) ( "url" => string(20) "media/js/validate.js" "defer" => integer 1 ) 6 => array(2) ( "url" => string(37) "media/library/splide/js/splide.min.js" "defer" => integer 1 ) 7 => array(2) ( "url" => string(43) "media/library/lightslider/js/lightslider.js" "defer" => integer 1 ) 8 => array(2) ( "url" => string(49) "media/library/lightgallery/js/lightgallery.min.js" "defer" => integer 1 ) 9 => array(2) ( "url" => string(19) "media/js/product.js" "defer" => integer 1 ) ) "config" => object Config_Group(16)
{ public email => string(18) "" public seo_prefix => string(5) ".html" public count_products => string(2) "24" public ext => string(4) ".jpg" public doman => string(12) "" public protokol => string(8) "https://" public dostavka => integer 350 public dostavka_za_mkad => integer 40 public dostavka_free => integer 4000 public montazg_monitor => integer 2500 public montazg_panel => integer 1500 public montazg_camera => integer 1000 public montazg_podezd => integer 1500 public montazg_osmotr => integer 500 public colors => array(17) ( 2487 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#0101DF" "title" => string(10) "Синий" ) 2488 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#E6E8FA" "title" => string(12) "Металл" ) 2489 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#000000" "title" => string(12) "Черный" ) 2490 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#FFFFFF" "title" => string(10) "Белый" ) 2491 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#E6E6E6" "title" => string(10) "Серый" ) 2492 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#C0C0C0" "title" => string(14) "Серебро" ) 2494 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#8E402A" "title" => string(12) "Медный" ) 2497 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#CC9900" "title" => string(12) "Золото" ) 2498 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#8E402A" "title" => string(20) "Коричневый" ) 2500 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#C0C0C0" "title" => string(14) "Бежевый" ) 2507 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#9400D3" "title" => string(26) "Перламутровый" ) 2511 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#E6E6E6" "title" => string(12) "Графит" ) 2517 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#E6E6E6" "title" => string(14) "Зеркало" ) 2519 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#A67D3D" "title" => string(18) "Бронзовый" ) 2524 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#C0C0C0" "title" => string(10) "Антик" ) 2526 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#FF0000" "title" => string(14) "Красный" ) 2615 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#fcfcee" "title" => string(14) "Шампань" ) ) public bestZapros => array(14) ( "Видеодомофон для квартиры" => string(30) "/video-intercom/dlya-kvartiry/" "для дома" => string(36) "/video-intercom/dlya-chastnogo-doma/" "готовый комплект видеодомофона" => string(25) "/video-intercom/komplekt/" "подключение видеодомофона" => string(13) "/montazh.html" "видеодомофон commax" => string(23) "/video-intercom/commax/" "панель видеодомофона" => string(17) "/vyzyvnye-paneli/" "видеодомофон ctv" => string(20) "/video-intercom/ctv/" "видеодомофон tantos" => string(23) "/video-intercom/tantos/" "ip видеодомофон" => string(19) "/video-intercom/ip/" "видеодомофон falcon" => string(23) "/video-intercom/falcon/" "электромеханический замок cisa" => string(39) "/skud/elektromekhanicheskie-zamki/cisa/" "замок на калитку" => string(34) "/skud/elektromekhanicheskie-zamki/" "блок сопряжения домофона" => string(25) "/skud/blok-sopryazheniya/" "камера для видеодомофона" => string(33) "/videonablyudenie/cvetnye-kamery/" ) }
"ext" => string(4) ".jpg" "breadcrumb" => string(1740) "<div id="breadcrumb" class="p-3"><ul class="p-0 m-0 d-flex flex-wrap" itemscope itemtype=""><li …" "block_top" => NULL "block_footer" => NULL "blocks" => array(1) ( 0 => object View(2){ public * _file => string(81) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" public * _data => array(23) ( "config" => object Config_Group(11)
) "blocks_left" => array(5) ( 0 => object View(2){ public dostavka => integer 400 public free_dostavka => integer 5000000 public sticky => array(4) ( 1 => array(2) ( "title" => string(19) "Хит продаж" "ico" => string(27) "<i class="fas fa-fire"></i>" ) 2 => array(2) ( "title" => string(14) "Новинка" "ico" => string(27) "<i class="fas fa-bell"></i>" ) 3 => array(2) ( "title" => string(15) "По акции" "ico" => string(31) "<i class="fas fa-bullhorn"></i>" ) 4 => array(2) ( "title" => string(23) "Рекомендуем!" "ico" => string(32) "<i class="fas fa-thumbs-up"></i>" ) ) public status => array(5) ( 1 => string(17) "В наличии" 2 => string(17) "Под заказ" 3 => string(24) "Нет в наличии" 4 => string(38) "Снято с производства" 5 => string(35) "Ожидается поставка" ) public block_s => array(2) ( 1 => integer 91 2 => integer 92 ) public base_dir => string(43) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" public g_dostavka => array(3) ( "text" => string(14) "вторник" "date_end" => string(10) "2016-07-17" "day" => integer 2 ) public header_menu => array(5) ( "Контакты" => string(13) "kontakty.html" "О нас" => string(10) "o-nas.html" "Оплата" => string(11) "oplata.html" "Доставка" => string(13) "dostavka.html" "Акции!" => string(6) "akcii/" ) public catalog => string(0) "" public category_market => array(27) ( 11 => array(1) ( "title" => string(30) "Видеонаблюдение" ) 51 => array(1) ( "title" => string(34) "Видеорегистраторы" ) 14 => array(1) ( "title" => string(26) "Видеодомофоны" ) 15 => array(2) ( "title" => string(59) "Видеодомофоны для частного дома" "parent" => integer 14 ) 80 => array(2) ( "title" => string(57) "Многоквартирные видеодомофоны" "parent" => integer 14 ) 18 => array(2) ( "title" => string(29) "IP видеодомофоны" "parent" => integer 14 ) 19 => array(2) ( "title" => string(43) "Видеодомофоны c записью" "parent" => integer 14 ) 20 => array(2) ( "title" => string(62) "Видеодомофоны c датчиком движения" "parent" => integer 14 ) 21 => array(2) ( "title" => string(43) "Видеодомофоны c памятью" "parent" => integer 14 ) 23 => array(2) ( "title" => string(51) "Координатные видеодомофоны" "parent" => integer 14 ) 24 => array(2) ( "title" => string(43) "Цифровые видеодомофоны" "parent" => integer 14 ) 12 => array(2) ( "title" => string(50) "Видеодомофоны для квартиры" "parent" => integer 14 ) 102 => array(2) ( "title" => string(93) "Готовые комплекты видеодомофона для частного дома" "parent" => integer 14 ) 101 => array(2) ( "title" => string(84) "Готовые комплекты видеодомофона для квартиры" "parent" => integer 14 ) 30 => array(1) ( "title" => string(29) "Вызывные панели" ) 35 => array(1) ( "title" => string(8) "СКУД" ) 28 => array(1) ( "title" => string(52) "Домофоны с видеонаблюдением" ) 162 => array(1) ( "title" => string(43) "Комплект видеодомофона" ) 167 => array(1) ( "title" => string(55) "Комплект видеодомофона от Tantos" ) 78 => array(1) ( "title" => string(23) "Блок питания" ) 79 => array(1) ( "title" => string(29) "Блок сопряжения" ) 47 => array(1) ( "title" => string(27) "Гибкий переход" ) 32 => array(1) ( "title" => string(35) "Монтажный материал" ) 37 => array(1) ( "title" => string(49) "Электромеханические замки" ) 38 => array(1) ( "title" => string(43) "Электромагнитные замки" ) 57 => array(1) ( "title" => string(58) "Цветные камеры видеонаблюдения" ) 125 => array(1) ( "title" => string(56) "IP-видеокамеры видеонаблюдения" ) ) public image => array(3) ( "product" => array(2) ( "path" => string(52) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" "size" => array(6) ( 0 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 40 "height" => integer 40 ) 1 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 80 "height" => integer 70 ) 2 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 96 "height" => integer 96 ) 3 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 180 "height" => integer 120 ) 4 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 280 "height" => integer 280 ) 5 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 1028 "height" => integer 1028 ) ) ) "brand" => array(2) ( "path" => string(56) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" "size" => array(3) ( 0 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 72 "height" => integer 72 ) 1 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 100 "height" => integer 12 ) 2 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 100 "height" => integer 100 ) ) ) "content" => array(3) ( "path" => string(67) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" "pathUrl" => string(24) "/images/content/cms_list" "size" => array(2) ( 0 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 65 "height" => integer 43 ) 1 => array(2) ( "width" => integer 180 "height" => integer 120 ) ) ) ) }
"desc_cat" => string(1158) "<p>В интернет-магазине <b>видеодомофоны.рус</b> вы можете купить монитор видеодомофона Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi для квартиры и ча …" "bs" => string(0) "" "komplekt" => array(0) "linkOtziv" => array(0) "desc" => string(3599) "<p>Монитор цветного видеодомофона 7 дюймов с емкостным сенсорным экраном с поддержкой форматов Full HD 1080p, CVBS, с возможност …" "colors" => string(0) "" "sticky" => array(0) "sale_price" => integer 0 "status" => string(17) "Под заказ" "list_instruct" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ public * _internal_row => integer 0 public * _query => string(67) "SELECT * FROM `links` WHERE `id_product`=3207 AND `type`="instruct"" public * _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"list_video" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
public * _total_rows => integer 1 public * _current_row => integer 0 public * _as_object => bool FALSE public * _object_params => NULL }{ public * _internal_row => integer 0 public * _query => string(64) "SELECT * FROM `links` WHERE `id_product`=3207 AND `type`="video"" public * _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"products_soputstv" => object Response(5){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
public * _total_rows => integer 0 public * _current_row => integer 0 public * _as_object => bool FALSE public * _object_params => NULL }{ public * _status => integer 200 public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
"products_analog" => object Response(5){ }
public * _body => string(8189) " <div class="title-kt-products"> С этим товаром часто покупают </div> <div class="splide …" public * _cookies => array(0) public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" }{ public * _status => integer 200 public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
"products_zamena" => array(3) ( "title" => string(20) "Marilyn HD Wi-Fi IPS" "link" => string(41) "/video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi-ips.html" "link_image" => string(52) "/images/p/1/6/5/4/4/marilyn-hd-wi-fi-ips_1_96x96.jpg" ) "rating" => array(2) ( "total" => string(1) "1" "rating" => float 5 ) "list_coments" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ }
public * _body => string(8277) " <div class="title-kt-products"> Похожие товары </div> <div class="splide kt-products"> …" public * _cookies => array(0) public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" }{ public * _internal_row => integer 1 public * _query => string(150) "SELECT `comment`,`user`,`email`,`rating`,`date_add` FROM `comment` WHERE `id_product` = 3207 AND `spam` = 1 AND `id_parent`=0 OR …" public * _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"comments" => object Response(5){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
public * _total_rows => integer 1 public * _current_row => integer 1 public * _as_object => bool FALSE public * _object_params => NULL }{ public * _status => integer 200 public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
"countComment" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ }
public * _body => string(1785) " <div class="mb-4 "> <div class="rating pb-2"> <i class="fs-085 color …" public * _cookies => array(0) public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" }{ public * _internal_row => integer 0 public * _query => string(98) "SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM `comment` WHERE `id_product` = 3207 AND `spam` = 1 AND `id_parent` = 0" public * _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"size_image" => NULL "size_image_big" => NULL "size_image_smail" => NULL "product" => object Model_Front_Product(34){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
public * _total_rows => integer 1 public * _current_row => integer 0 public * _as_object => bool FALSE public * _object_params => NULL }{ public * _table_name => string(7) "product" public _primary_key => string(10) "id_product" public * _has_one => array(8) ( "seo" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(9) "Front_Seo" ) "image" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(11) "Front_Image" ) "skidka" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(12) "Front_Skidka" ) "market" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(12) "Front_Market" ) "links" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(11) "Front_Links" ) "kt_fields" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(14) "Front_KtFields" ) "status" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "id_status" "model" => string(19) "Front_StatusProduct" ) "category" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(11) "id_category" "model" => string(14) "Front_Category" ) ) public * _belongs_to => array(1) ( "brand" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "id_brand" "model" => string(11) "Front_Brand" ) ) public * _has_many => array(1) ( "features" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "feature_id" "model" => string(20) "Front_ProductFeature" ) ) public * _load_with => array(0) public * _validation => NULL public * _object => array(24) ( "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_brand" => string(1) "8" "id_category" => string(2) "14" "title" => string(23) "Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "price1" => string(4) "0.00" "price2" => string(5) "31005" "price3" => string(5) "31005" "kurs" => NULL "desc" => string(3599) "<p>Монитор цветного видеодомофона 7 дюймов с емкостным сенсорным экраном с поддержкой форматов Full HD 1080p, CVBS, с возможност …" "short_desc" => NULL "short_desc_kt" => string(311) "<ul> <li><b>Сенсорный 7"</b> дюймовый экран (1024х600)</li> <li><b>WiFi</b> модуль для управления через смартфон</li> …" "date_add" => NULL "date_edit" => string(19) "2022-07-21 17:10:33" "id_status" => string(1) "2" "block_s" => NULL "zakupka1" => string(4) "0.00" "zakupka2" => string(4) "0.00" "zakupka3" => string(4) "0.00" "not_seo_auto" => string(1) "0" "cnt_load" => string(6) "388078" "id_sticky" => NULL "title_price" => string(16) "Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "url_postav" => string(49) "" "auto_komplekt" => string(1) "1" ) public * _changed => array(0) public * _original_values => array(24) ( "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_brand" => string(1) "8" "id_category" => string(2) "14" "title" => string(23) "Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "price1" => string(4) "0.00" "price2" => string(5) "31005" "price3" => string(5) "31005" "kurs" => NULL "desc" => string(3599) "<p>Монитор цветного видеодомофона 7 дюймов с емкостным сенсорным экраном с поддержкой форматов Full HD 1080p, CVBS, с возможност …" "short_desc" => NULL "short_desc_kt" => string(311) "<ul> <li><b>Сенсорный 7"</b> дюймовый экран (1024х600)</li> <li><b>WiFi</b> модуль для управления через смартфон</li> …" "date_add" => NULL "date_edit" => string(19) "2022-07-21 17:10:33" "id_status" => string(1) "2" "block_s" => NULL "zakupka1" => string(4) "0.00" "zakupka2" => string(4) "0.00" "zakupka3" => string(4) "0.00" "not_seo_auto" => string(1) "0" "cnt_load" => string(6) "388078" "id_sticky" => NULL "title_price" => string(16) "Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "url_postav" => string(49) "" "auto_komplekt" => string(1) "1" ) public * _related => array(4) ( "kt_fields" => object Model_Front_KtFields(34)
) }{ public * _table_name => string(9) "kt_fields" public _primary_key => string(10) "id_product" public * _has_one => array(0) public * _belongs_to => array(0) public * _has_many => array(0) public * _load_with => array(0) public * _validation => NULL public * _object => array(22) ( "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "products_soputstv" => string(36) "["2918","2790","2789","2788","7643"]" "products_analog" => string(39) "["16544","3234","17669","3177","18005"]" "products_color" => string(0) "" "products_komplect" => string(0) "" "title_text" => NULL "schemes" => NULL "name_chemes" => NULL "note_schemes" => NULL "name_instruct" => NULL "name_flash" => NULL "free_dostavka" => string(1) "0" "day_dostavka" => NULL "monitor" => string(0) "" "panel" => string(0) "" "h1" => string(48) "Видеодомофон Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "video" => NULL "note_video" => NULL "text_feature" => string(3210) " <div> <span>Дисплей </span> <span>TFT, цветной, сенсорный, 7 дюймов, 1024х600</span> </div> <div> <span>Управление </span> <spa …" "instruct" => NULL "products_dubl" => string(0) "" "products_zamena" => string(16) "["16544","7644"]" ) public * _changed => array(0) public * _original_values => array(22) ( "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "products_soputstv" => string(36) "["2918","2790","2789","2788","7643"]" "products_analog" => string(39) "["16544","3234","17669","3177","18005"]" "products_color" => string(0) "" "products_komplect" => string(0) "" "title_text" => NULL "schemes" => NULL "name_chemes" => NULL "note_schemes" => NULL "name_instruct" => NULL "name_flash" => NULL "free_dostavka" => string(1) "0" "day_dostavka" => NULL "monitor" => string(0) "" "panel" => string(0) "" "h1" => string(48) "Видеодомофон Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "video" => NULL "note_video" => NULL "text_feature" => string(3210) " <div> <span>Дисплей </span> <span>TFT, цветной, сенсорный, 7 дюймов, 1024х600</span> </div> <div> <span>Управление </span> <spa …" "instruct" => NULL "products_dubl" => string(0) "" "products_zamena" => string(16) "["16544","7644"]" ) public * _related => array(0) public * _valid => bool TRUE public * _loaded => bool TRUE public * _saved => bool FALSE public * _sorting => NULL public * _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" public * _object_name => string(14) "front_ktfields" public * _object_plural => string(16) "front_ktfieldses" public * _table_columns => array(22) ( "id_product" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_product" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "products_soputstv" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(17) "products_soputstv" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "products_analog" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(15) "products_analog" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "products_color" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(14) "products_color" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "products_komplect" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(17) "products_komplect" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "title_text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "35" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "schemes" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(7) "schemes" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name_chemes" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(11) "name_chemes" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "55" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "note_schemes" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(12) "note_schemes" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name_instruct" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(13) "name_instruct" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name_flash" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "name_flash" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "free_dostavka" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(13) "free_dostavka" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "day_dostavka" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(12) "day_dostavka" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "12" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "monitor" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "monitor" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "25" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "panel" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "panel" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "25" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "h1" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(2) "h1" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "video" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "video" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 17 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "note_video" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "note_video" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 18 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text_feature" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(12) "text_feature" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 19 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "instruct" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(8) "instruct" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 20 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "products_dubl" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(13) "products_dubl" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 21 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "products_zamena" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(15) "products_zamena" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 22 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) public * _updated_column => NULL public * _created_column => NULL public * _serialize_columns => array(0) public * _primary_key_value => string(4) "3207" public * _table_names_plural => bool TRUE public * _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"image" => object Model_Front_Image(34){ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18)
public * _db_group => NULL public * _db_applied => array(0) public * _db_pending => array(0) public * _db_reset => bool TRUE public * _db_builder => NULL public * _with_applied => array(0) public * _cast_data => array(0) public * _errors_filename => string(14) "front_ktfields" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
public * _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(5) ( "hostname" => string(15) "" "database" => string(5) "db_vd" "port" => NULL "socket" => NULL "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool TRUE ) }{ public * _table_name => string(5) "image" public _primary_key => string(8) "id_image" public * _has_one => array(0) public * _belongs_to => array(0) public * _has_many => array(0) public * _load_with => array(0) public * _validation => NULL public * _object => array(10) ( "id_image" => string(5) "17013" "count" => string(2) "17" "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_category" => string(1) "0" "id_brand" => string(1) "0" "id_content" => string(1) "0" "main" => string(1) "1" "original" => NULL "date_add" => string(19) "2020-03-16 17:04:58" "date_edit" => string(19) "2019-10-21 12:41:59" ) public * _changed => array(0) public * _original_values => array(10) ( "id_image" => string(5) "17013" "count" => string(2) "17" "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_category" => string(1) "0" "id_brand" => string(1) "0" "id_content" => string(1) "0" "main" => string(1) "1" "original" => NULL "date_add" => string(19) "2020-03-16 17:04:58" "date_edit" => string(19) "2019-10-21 12:41:59" ) public * _related => array(0) public * _valid => bool TRUE public * _loaded => bool TRUE public * _saved => bool FALSE public * _sorting => NULL public * _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" public * _object_name => string(11) "front_image" public * _object_plural => string(12) "front_images" public * _table_columns => array(10) ( "id_image" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "id_image" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "count" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(5) "count" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_product" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_product" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_category" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(11) "id_category" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_brand" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "id_brand" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_content" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_content" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "main" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(4) "main" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "original" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(8) "original" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_add" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "date_add" "column_default" => string(17) "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(45) "DEFAULT_GENERATED on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_edit" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "date_edit" "column_default" => string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00" "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) public * _updated_column => NULL public * _created_column => NULL public * _serialize_columns => array(0) public * _primary_key_value => string(5) "17013" public * _table_names_plural => bool TRUE public * _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"seo" => object Model_Front_Seo(34){ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18)
public * _db_group => NULL public * _db_applied => array(0) public * _db_pending => array(0) public * _db_reset => bool TRUE public * _db_builder => NULL public * _with_applied => array(0) public * _cast_data => array(0) public * _errors_filename => string(11) "front_image" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
public * _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(5) ( "hostname" => string(15) "" "database" => string(5) "db_vd" "port" => NULL "socket" => NULL "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool TRUE ) }{ public * _table_name => string(3) "seo" public _primary_key => string(6) "id_seo" public * _has_one => array(0) public * _belongs_to => array(0) public * _has_many => array(0) public * _load_with => array(0) public * _validation => NULL public * _object => array(19) ( "id_seo" => string(4) "9881" "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_category" => NULL "id_brand" => NULL "id_content" => NULL "id_comment" => NULL "controller" => string(7) "Product" "id" => string(4) "3207" "action" => string(5) "index" "url" => string(37) "/video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi.html" "alias" => string(16) "marilyn-hd-wi-fi" "meta_title" => string(185) "[name] купить видеодомофон Wi-Fi в Москве | Цена [price] руб. | Бесплатная доставка! | — интернет-магазин" "meta_desc" => string(261) "[name] — видеодомофон с 7 дюймовым экраном, Wi-Fi, формат видео AHD, TVI, CVI, CVBS, детектор движения.☝Оптовые закупки☝Официал …" "meta_keywords" => string(474) "[name], купить [name], домофон [brand],, видеодомофоны.рус, видеодомофон [brand], монитор домофона [brand], домофон …" "old_url" => NULL "str_find" => string(307) "883207 3207 tantos marilyn hd wi fi для квартиры квартиру видеодомофон домофон видеодомофона без трубки ip записью запись датчик …" "img_directory" => string(17) "/images/p/3/2/0/7" "breadcrumb" => string(2498) "<div id="breadcrumb" class="p-3"><ul class="p-0 m-0 d-flex flex-wrap" itemscope itemtype= …" "date_update" => string(19) "2022-07-21 17:10:33" ) public * _changed => array(0) public * _original_values => array(19) ( "id_seo" => string(4) "9881" "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_category" => NULL "id_brand" => NULL "id_content" => NULL "id_comment" => NULL "controller" => string(7) "Product" "id" => string(4) "3207" "action" => string(5) "index" "url" => string(37) "/video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi.html" "alias" => string(16) "marilyn-hd-wi-fi" "meta_title" => string(185) "[name] купить видеодомофон Wi-Fi в Москве | Цена [price] руб. | Бесплатная доставка! | — интернет-магазин" "meta_desc" => string(261) "[name] — видеодомофон с 7 дюймовым экраном, Wi-Fi, формат видео AHD, TVI, CVI, CVBS, детектор движения.☝Оптовые закупки☝Официал …" "meta_keywords" => string(474) "[name], купить [name], домофон [brand],, видеодомофоны.рус, видеодомофон [brand], монитор домофона [brand], домофон …" "old_url" => NULL "str_find" => string(307) "883207 3207 tantos marilyn hd wi fi для квартиры квартиру видеодомофон домофон видеодомофона без трубки ip записью запись датчик …" "img_directory" => string(17) "/images/p/3/2/0/7" "breadcrumb" => string(2498) "<div id="breadcrumb" class="p-3"><ul class="p-0 m-0 d-flex flex-wrap" itemscope itemtype= …" "date_update" => string(19) "2022-07-21 17:10:33" ) public * _related => array(0) public * _valid => bool TRUE public * _loaded => bool TRUE public * _saved => bool FALSE public * _sorting => NULL public * _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" public * _object_name => string(9) "front_seo" public * _object_plural => string(10) "front_seos" public * _table_columns => array(19) ( "id_seo" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(6) "id_seo" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_product" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_product" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_category" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(11) "id_category" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_brand" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "id_brand" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_content" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_content" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_comment" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_comment" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "controller" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "controller" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "action" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "action" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "url" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "url" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "UNI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "alias" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "alias" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(10) "meta_title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_desc" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "meta_desc" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_keywords" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(13) "meta_keywords" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "old_url" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "old_url" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "str_find" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "str_find" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img_directory" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(13) "img_directory" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 17 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "breadcrumb" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(10) "breadcrumb" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 18 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_update" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(11) "date_update" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 19 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) public * _updated_column => NULL public * _created_column => NULL public * _serialize_columns => array(0) public * _primary_key_value => string(4) "9881" public * _table_names_plural => bool TRUE public * _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"brand" => object Model_Front_Brand(34){ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18)
public * _db_group => NULL public * _db_applied => array(0) public * _db_pending => array(0) public * _db_reset => bool TRUE public * _db_builder => NULL public * _with_applied => array(0) public * _cast_data => array(0) public * _errors_filename => string(9) "front_seo" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
public * _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(5) ( "hostname" => string(15) "" "database" => string(5) "db_vd" "port" => NULL "socket" => NULL "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool TRUE ) }{ public * _table_name => string(5) "brand" public _primary_key => string(8) "id_brand" public * _has_one => array(2) ( "seo" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "id_brand" "model" => string(9) "Front_Seo" ) "image" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "id_brand" "model" => string(11) "Front_Image" ) ) public * _belongs_to => array(0) public * _has_many => array(0) public * _load_with => array(0) public * _validation => NULL public * _object => array(12) ( "id_brand" => string(1) "8" "kurs" => string(5) "69.00" "title" => string(6) "Tantos" "desc_top" => string(781) "<h1>Видеодомофоны Tantos</h1><p>Tantos – канадский бренд, название которого произошло от индийского племени шеванезов и переводи …" "desc_end" => string(4621) "<p>В интернет-магазине можно заказать и приобрести продукцию напрямую от канадского производителя. Мы предлагаем на …" "date_add" => string(19) "2021-02-28 08:30:38" "date_edit" => string(19) "2025-01-31 16:00:39" "cb" => string(1) "0" "cb_proc" => string(1) "0" "position" => string(1) "4" "valuta" => string(1) "0" "image" => string(6) "tantos" ) public * _changed => array(0) public * _original_values => array(12) ( "id_brand" => string(1) "8" "kurs" => string(5) "69.00" "title" => string(6) "Tantos" "desc_top" => string(781) "<h1>Видеодомофоны Tantos</h1><p>Tantos – канадский бренд, название которого произошло от индийского племени шеванезов и переводи …" "desc_end" => string(4621) "<p>В интернет-магазине можно заказать и приобрести продукцию напрямую от канадского производителя. Мы предлагаем на …" "date_add" => string(19) "2021-02-28 08:30:38" "date_edit" => string(19) "2025-01-31 16:00:39" "cb" => string(1) "0" "cb_proc" => string(1) "0" "position" => string(1) "4" "valuta" => string(1) "0" "image" => string(6) "tantos" ) public * _related => array(0) public * _valid => bool TRUE public * _loaded => bool TRUE public * _saved => bool FALSE public * _sorting => NULL public * _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" public * _object_name => string(11) "front_brand" public * _object_plural => string(12) "front_brands" public * _table_columns => array(12) ( "id_brand" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "id_brand" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "kurs" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(4) "kurs" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "12" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "desc_top" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(8) "desc_top" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "desc_end" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(8) "desc_end" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_add" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "date_add" "column_default" => string(17) "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(45) "DEFAULT_GENERATED on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_edit" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "date_edit" "column_default" => string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00" "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cb" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "cb" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cb_proc" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "cb_proc" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "position" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "position" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "valuta" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(6) "valuta" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "image" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "image" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) public * _updated_column => NULL public * _created_column => NULL public * _serialize_columns => array(0) public * _primary_key_value => string(1) "8" public * _table_names_plural => bool TRUE public * _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
) public * _valid => bool TRUE public * _loaded => bool TRUE public * _saved => bool FALSE public * _sorting => NULL public * _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" public * _object_name => string(13) "front_product" public * _object_plural => string(14) "front_products" public * _table_columns => array(24) ( "id_product" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_product" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_brand" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "id_brand" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_category" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(11) "id_category" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "price1" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(6) "price1" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "12" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "price2" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(6) "price2" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "price3" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(6) "price3" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "kurs" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(4) "kurs" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "12" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "desc" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "desc" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "short_desc" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(10) "short_desc" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "short_desc_kt" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(13) "short_desc_kt" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_add" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "date_add" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_edit" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "date_edit" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_status" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "id_status" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "block_s" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "block_s" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "zakupka1" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(8) "zakupka1" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "10" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "zakupka2" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(8) "zakupka2" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 17 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "10" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "zakupka3" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(8) "zakupka3" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 18 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "10" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "not_seo_auto" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(12) "not_seo_auto" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 19 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cnt_load" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "cnt_load" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 20 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_sticky" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "id_sticky" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 21 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_price" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(11) "title_price" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 22 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "url_postav" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(10) "url_postav" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 23 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "auto_komplekt" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(13) "auto_komplekt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 24 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) public * _updated_column => NULL public * _created_column => NULL public * _serialize_columns => array(0) public * _primary_key_value => string(4) "3207" public * _table_names_plural => bool TRUE public * _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6){ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18)
public * _db_group => NULL public * _db_applied => array(0) public * _db_pending => array(0) public * _db_reset => bool TRUE public * _db_builder => NULL public * _with_applied => array(0) public * _cast_data => array(0) public * _errors_filename => string(11) "front_brand" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
public * _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(5) ( "hostname" => string(15) "" "database" => string(5) "db_vd" "port" => NULL "socket" => NULL "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool TRUE ) }{ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18)
public * _db_group => NULL public * _db_applied => array(0) public * _db_pending => array(0) public * _db_reset => bool TRUE public * _db_builder => NULL public * _with_applied => array(0) public * _cast_data => array(0) public * _errors_filename => string(13) "front_product" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
public * _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(5) ( "hostname" => string(15) "" "database" => string(5) "db_vd" "port" => NULL "socket" => NULL "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool TRUE ) }{ public * _file => string(90) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" public * _data => array(1) ( "bestZapros" => array(14) ( "Видеодомофон для квартиры" => string(30) "/video-intercom/dlya-kvartiry/" "для дома" => string(36) "/video-intercom/dlya-chastnogo-doma/" "готовый комплект видеодомофона" => string(25) "/video-intercom/komplekt/" "подключение видеодомофона" => string(13) "/montazh.html" "видеодомофон commax" => string(23) "/video-intercom/commax/" "панель видеодомофона" => string(17) "/vyzyvnye-paneli/" "видеодомофон ctv" => string(20) "/video-intercom/ctv/" "видеодомофон tantos" => string(23) "/video-intercom/tantos/" "ip видеодомофон" => string(19) "/video-intercom/ip/" "видеодомофон falcon" => string(23) "/video-intercom/falcon/" "электромеханический замок cisa" => string(39) "/skud/elektromekhanicheskie-zamki/cisa/" "замок на калитку" => string(34) "/skud/elektromekhanicheskie-zamki/" "блок сопряжения домофона" => string(25) "/skud/blok-sopryazheniya/" "камера для видеодомофона" => string(33) "/videonablyudenie/cvetnye-kamery/" ) ) }
1 => object Response(5){ public * _status => integer 200 public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
2 => object Response(5){ }
public * _body => string(6276) " <div class="heading">Последние отзывы</div> <div class="bg-white p-3 mb-3"> <div class="pb …" public * _cookies => array(0) public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" }{ public * _status => integer 200 public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
3 => object Response(5){ }
public * _body => string(0) "" public * _cookies => array(0) public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" }{ public * _status => integer 200 public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
4 => object Response(5){ }
public * _body => string(1754) " <div class="heading">Последние новости</div> <div class="bg-white p-3 border-bottom"> <div class=" …" public * _cookies => array(0) public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" }{ public * _status => integer 200 public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
) "block_slider" => NULL "block_contetnts" => NULL "block_top_footer" => NULL "sidebars" => NULL "hide_left_block" => bool FALSE "meta_follow" => string(6) "follow" "meta_index" => string(5) "index" "og_image" => string(51) "/images/p/3/2/0/7/marilyn-hd-wi-fi_1_1028x1028.webp" "meta_title" => string(201) "Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi купить видеодомофон Wi-Fi в Москве | Цена 31 005 руб. | Бесплатная доставка! | — интернет-м …" "meta_desc" => string(278) "Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi — видеодомофон с 7 дюймовым экраном, Wi-Fi, формат видео AHD, TVI, CVI, CVBS, детектор движения.☝Оптовы …" "block_bottom_site" => NULL "email" => string(18) "" "phone" => NULL "base_dir" => string(43) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" "favorites_total" => integer 0 "compare_total" => integer 0 "tree" => string(48844) "<ul id="catalog" class="mb-3"><li><div class="d-flex justify-content-between"><a class="flex-grow-1 flex-shrink-1 d-flex justify …" "h1" => string(48) "Видеодомофон Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "blockTags" => NULL "canonical" => string(37) "/video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi.html" "meta_keywords" => string(505) "tantos marilyn hd wi-fi, купить tantos marilyn hd wi-fi, домофон Tantos,, видеодомофоны.рус, видеодомофон Tantos, м …" ){ }
public * _body => string(1523) " <div class="heading">Последние статьи</div> <div class="bg-white p-3 border-bottom"> <div class="t …" public * _cookies => array(0) public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" }354 { 355 throw new View_Exception('You must set the file to use within your view before rendering'); 356 } 357 358 // Combine local and global data and capture the output 359 return View::capture($this->_file, $this->_data); 360 } 361 362 }
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Controller/Template.php [ 44 ] » Kohana_View->render()
39 */ 40 public function after() 41 { 42 if ($this->auto_render === TRUE) 43 { 44 $this->response->body($this->template->render()); 45 } 46 47 parent::after(); 48 } 49
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Controller.php [ 87 ] » Kohana_Controller_Template->after()
82 83 // Execute the action itself 84 $this->{$action}(); 85 86 // Execute the "after action" method 87 $this->after(); 88 89 // Return the response 90 return $this->response; 91 } 92
{PHP internal call} » Kohana_Controller->execute()
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Request/Client/Internal.php [ 97 ] » ReflectionMethod->invoke(arguments)
object Controller_Front_Product(8)
{ public view => string(15) "front/v_product" public template => object View(2)
{ public * _file => string(78) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" public * _data => array(44) ( "current_page" => string(7) "product" "global_patch_js" => string(9) "media/js/" "patch_images" => string(6) "images" "patch_library" => string(14) "media/library/" "patch_jquery_js" => string(21) "media/library/jquery/" "patch_jquery_css" => string(25) "media/library/jquery/css/" "patch_css" => string(10) "media/css/" "patch_js" => string(9) "media/js/" "patch_img" => string(10) "media/img/" "vadm" => bool FALSE "shop_name_market" => string(12) "" "shop_company_market" => string(12) "" "shop_url_market" => string(20) "" "styles" => array(2) ( 0 => string(39) "media/library/splide/css/splide.min.css" 1 => string(54) "media/library/splide/css/themes/splide-default.min.css" ) "styles_footer" => array(5) ( 0 => string(42) "media/library/jquery/css/jquery-ui.min.css" 1 => string(21) "media/css/product.css" 2 => string(21) "media/css/compare.css" 3 => string(45) "media/library/lightslider/css/lightslider.css" 4 => string(51) "media/library/lightgallery/css/lightgallery.min.css" ) "scripts_footer" => array(10) ( 0 => array(2) ( "url" => string(40) "media/library/jquery/jquery-3.5.0.min.js" "defer" => integer 0 ) 1 => array(2) ( "url" => string(37) "media/library/jquery/jquery-ui.min.js" "defer" => integer 0 ) 2 => array(2) ( "url" => string(46) "media/library/jquery/jquery.maskedinput.min.js" "defer" => integer 1 ) 3 => array(2) ( "url" => string(18) "media/js/script.js" "defer" => integer 1 ) 4 => array(2) ( "url" => string(17) "media/js/tools.js" "defer" => integer 1 ) 5 => array(2) ( "url" => string(20) "media/js/validate.js" "defer" => integer 1 ) 6 => array(2) ( "url" => string(37) "media/library/splide/js/splide.min.js" "defer" => integer 1 ) 7 => array(2) ( "url" => string(43) "media/library/lightslider/js/lightslider.js" "defer" => integer 1 ) 8 => array(2) ( "url" => string(49) "media/library/lightgallery/js/lightgallery.min.js" "defer" => integer 1 ) 9 => array(2) ( "url" => string(19) "media/js/product.js" "defer" => integer 1 ) ) "config" => object Config_Group(16)
public status => array(5) ( 1 => string(17) "В наличии" 2 => string(17) "Под заказ" 3 => string(24) "Нет в наличии" 4 => string(38) "Снято с производства" 5 => string(35) "Ожидается поставка" ) public base_dir => NULL public * session => object Session_Database(11){ public email => string(18) "" public seo_prefix => string(5) ".html" public count_products => string(2) "24" public ext => string(4) ".jpg" public doman => string(12) "" public protokol => string(8) "https://" public dostavka => integer 350 public dostavka_za_mkad => integer 40 public dostavka_free => integer 4000 public montazg_monitor => integer 2500 public montazg_panel => integer 1500 public montazg_camera => integer 1000 public montazg_podezd => integer 1500 public montazg_osmotr => integer 500 public colors => array(17) ( 2487 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#0101DF" "title" => string(10) "Синий" ) 2488 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#E6E8FA" "title" => string(12) "Металл" ) 2489 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#000000" "title" => string(12) "Черный" ) 2490 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#FFFFFF" "title" => string(10) "Белый" ) 2491 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#E6E6E6" "title" => string(10) "Серый" ) 2492 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#C0C0C0" "title" => string(14) "Серебро" ) 2494 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#8E402A" "title" => string(12) "Медный" ) 2497 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#CC9900" "title" => string(12) "Золото" ) 2498 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#8E402A" "title" => string(20) "Коричневый" ) 2500 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#C0C0C0" "title" => string(14) "Бежевый" ) 2507 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#9400D3" "title" => string(26) "Перламутровый" ) 2511 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#E6E6E6" "title" => string(12) "Графит" ) 2517 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#E6E6E6" "title" => string(14) "Зеркало" ) 2519 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#A67D3D" "title" => string(18) "Бронзовый" ) 2524 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#C0C0C0" "title" => string(10) "Антик" ) 2526 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#FF0000" "title" => string(14) "Красный" ) 2615 => array(2) ( "cod" => string(7) "#fcfcee" "title" => string(14) "Шампань" ) ) public bestZapros => array(14) ( "Видеодомофон для квартиры" => string(30) "/video-intercom/dlya-kvartiry/" "для дома" => string(36) "/video-intercom/dlya-chastnogo-doma/" "готовый комплект видеодомофона" => string(25) "/video-intercom/komplekt/" "подключение видеодомофона" => string(13) "/montazh.html" "видеодомофон commax" => string(23) "/video-intercom/commax/" "панель видеодомофона" => string(17) "/vyzyvnye-paneli/" "видеодомофон ctv" => string(20) "/video-intercom/ctv/" "видеодомофон tantos" => string(23) "/video-intercom/tantos/" "ip видеодомофон" => string(19) "/video-intercom/ip/" "видеодомофон falcon" => string(23) "/video-intercom/falcon/" "электромеханический замок cisa" => string(39) "/skud/elektromekhanicheskie-zamki/cisa/" "замок на калитку" => string(34) "/skud/elektromekhanicheskie-zamki/" "блок сопряжения домофона" => string(25) "/skud/blok-sopryazheniya/" "камера для видеодомофона" => string(33) "/videonablyudenie/cvetnye-kamery/" ) }
"ext" => string(4) ".jpg" "breadcrumb" => string(1740) "<div id="breadcrumb" class="p-3"><ul class="p-0 m-0 d-flex flex-wrap" itemscope itemtype=""><li …" "block_top" => NULL "block_footer" => NULL "blocks" => array(1) ( 0 => object View(2){ public * _file => string(81) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" public * _data => array(23) ( "config" => object Config_Group(11)
) "blocks_left" => array(5) ( 0 => object View(2){ public dostavka => integer 400 public free_dostavka => integer 5000000 public sticky => array(4) ( 1 => array(2) ( "title" => string(19) "Хит продаж" "ico" => string(27) "<i class="fas fa-fire"></i>" ) 2 => array(2) ( "title" => string(14) "Новинка" "ico" => string(27) "<i class="fas fa-bell"></i>" ) 3 => array(2) ( "title" => string(15) "По акции" "ico" => string(31) "<i class="fas fa-bullhorn"></i>" ) 4 => array(2) ( "title" => string(23) "Рекомендуем!" "ico" => string(32) "<i class="fas fa-thumbs-up"></i>" ) ) public status => array(5) ( 1 => string(17) "В наличии" 2 => string(17) "Под заказ" 3 => string(24) "Нет в наличии" 4 => string(38) "Снято с производства" 5 => string(35) "Ожидается поставка" ) public block_s => array(2) ( 1 => integer 91 2 => integer 92 ) public base_dir => string(43) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" public g_dostavka => array(3) ( "text" => string(14) "вторник" "date_end" => string(10) "2016-07-17" "day" => integer 2 ) public header_menu => array(5) ( "Контакты" => string(13) "kontakty.html" "О нас" => string(10) "o-nas.html" "Оплата" => string(11) "oplata.html" "Доставка" => string(13) "dostavka.html" "Акции!" => string(6) "akcii/" ) public catalog => string(0) "" public category_market => array(27) ( 11 => array(1) ( "title" => string(30) "Видеонаблюдение" ) 51 => array(1) ( "title" => string(34) "Видеорегистраторы" ) 14 => array(1) ( "title" => string(26) "Видеодомофоны" ) 15 => array(2) ( "title" => string(59) "Видеодомофоны для частного дома" "parent" => integer 14 ) 80 => array(2) ( "title" => string(57) "Многоквартирные видеодомофоны" "parent" => integer 14 ) 18 => array(2) ( "title" => string(29) "IP видеодомофоны" "parent" => integer 14 ) 19 => array(2) ( "title" => string(43) "Видеодомофоны c записью" "parent" => integer 14 ) 20 => array(2) ( "title" => string(62) "Видеодомофоны c датчиком движения" "parent" => integer 14 ) 21 => array(2) ( "title" => string(43) "Видеодомофоны c памятью" "parent" => integer 14 ) 23 => array(2) ( "title" => string(51) "Координатные видеодомофоны" "parent" => integer 14 ) 24 => array(2) ( "title" => string(43) "Цифровые видеодомофоны" "parent" => integer 14 ) 12 => array(2) ( "title" => string(50) "Видеодомофоны для квартиры" "parent" => integer 14 ) 102 => array(2) ( "title" => string(93) "Готовые комплекты видеодомофона для частного дома" "parent" => integer 14 ) 101 => array(2) ( "title" => string(84) "Готовые комплекты видеодомофона для квартиры" "parent" => integer 14 ) 30 => array(1) ( "title" => string(29) "Вызывные панели" ) 35 => array(1) ( "title" => string(8) "СКУД" ) 28 => array(1) ( "title" => string(52) "Домофоны с видеонаблюдением" ) 162 => array(1) ( "title" => string(43) "Комплект видеодомофона" ) 167 => array(1) ( "title" => string(55) "Комплект видеодомофона от Tantos" ) 78 => array(1) ( "title" => string(23) "Блок питания" ) 79 => array(1) ( "title" => string(29) "Блок сопряжения" ) 47 => array(1) ( "title" => string(27) "Гибкий переход" ) 32 => array(1) ( "title" => string(35) "Монтажный материал" ) 37 => array(1) ( "title" => string(49) "Электромеханические замки" ) 38 => array(1) ( "title" => string(43) "Электромагнитные замки" ) 57 => array(1) ( "title" => string(58) "Цветные камеры видеонаблюдения" ) 125 => array(1) ( "title" => string(56) "IP-видеокамеры видеонаблюдения" ) ) public image => array(3) ( "product" => array(2) ( "path" => string(52) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" "size" => array(6) ( 0 => array(2) ( ... ) 1 => array(2) ( ... ) 2 => array(2) ( ... ) 3 => array(2) ( ... ) 4 => array(2) ( ... ) 5 => array(2) ( ... ) ) ) "brand" => array(2) ( "path" => string(56) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" "size" => array(3) ( 0 => array(2) ( ... ) 1 => array(2) ( ... ) 2 => array(2) ( ... ) ) ) "content" => array(3) ( "path" => string(67) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" "pathUrl" => string(24) "/images/content/cms_list" "size" => array(2) ( 0 => array(2) ( ... ) 1 => array(2) ( ... ) ) ) ) }
"desc_cat" => string(1158) "<p>В интернет-магазине <b>видеодомофоны.рус</b> вы можете купить монитор видеодомофона Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi для квартиры и ча …" "bs" => string(0) "" "komplekt" => array(0) "linkOtziv" => array(0) "desc" => string(3599) "<p>Монитор цветного видеодомофона 7 дюймов с емкостным сенсорным экраном с поддержкой форматов Full HD 1080p, CVBS, с возможност …" "colors" => string(0) "" "sticky" => array(0) "sale_price" => integer 0 "status" => string(17) "Под заказ" "list_instruct" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ public * _internal_row => integer 0 public * _query => string(67) "SELECT * FROM `links` WHERE `id_product`=3207 AND `type`="instruct"" public * _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"list_video" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
public * _total_rows => integer 1 public * _current_row => integer 0 public * _as_object => bool FALSE public * _object_params => NULL }{ public * _internal_row => integer 0 public * _query => string(64) "SELECT * FROM `links` WHERE `id_product`=3207 AND `type`="video"" public * _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"products_soputstv" => object Response(5){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
public * _total_rows => integer 0 public * _current_row => integer 0 public * _as_object => bool FALSE public * _object_params => NULL }{ public * _status => integer 200 public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
"products_analog" => object Response(5){ }
public * _body => string(8189) " <div class="title-kt-products"> С этим товаром часто покупают </div> <div class="splide …" public * _cookies => array(0) public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" }{ public * _status => integer 200 public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
"products_zamena" => array(3) ( "title" => string(20) "Marilyn HD Wi-Fi IPS" "link" => string(41) "/video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi-ips.html" "link_image" => string(52) "/images/p/1/6/5/4/4/marilyn-hd-wi-fi-ips_1_96x96.jpg" ) "rating" => array(2) ( "total" => string(1) "1" "rating" => float 5 ) "list_coments" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ }
public * _body => string(8277) " <div class="title-kt-products"> Похожие товары </div> <div class="splide kt-products"> …" public * _cookies => array(0) public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" }{ public * _internal_row => integer 1 public * _query => string(150) "SELECT `comment`,`user`,`email`,`rating`,`date_add` FROM `comment` WHERE `id_product` = 3207 AND `spam` = 1 AND `id_parent`=0 OR …" public * _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"comments" => object Response(5){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
public * _total_rows => integer 1 public * _current_row => integer 1 public * _as_object => bool FALSE public * _object_params => NULL }{ public * _status => integer 200 public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
"countComment" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ }
public * _body => string(1785) " <div class="mb-4 "> <div class="rating pb-2"> <i class="fs-085 color …" public * _cookies => array(0) public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" }{ public * _internal_row => integer 0 public * _query => string(98) "SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM `comment` WHERE `id_product` = 3207 AND `spam` = 1 AND `id_parent` = 0" public * _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"size_image" => NULL "size_image_big" => NULL "size_image_smail" => NULL "product" => object Model_Front_Product(34){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
public * _total_rows => integer 1 public * _current_row => integer 0 public * _as_object => bool FALSE public * _object_params => NULL }{ public * _table_name => string(7) "product" public _primary_key => string(10) "id_product" public * _has_one => array(8) ( "seo" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(9) "Front_Seo" ) "image" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(11) "Front_Image" ) "skidka" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(12) "Front_Skidka" ) "market" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(12) "Front_Market" ) "links" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(11) "Front_Links" ) "kt_fields" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "model" => string(14) "Front_KtFields" ) "status" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "id_status" "model" => string(19) "Front_StatusProduct" ) "category" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(11) "id_category" "model" => string(14) "Front_Category" ) ) public * _belongs_to => array(1) ( "brand" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "id_brand" "model" => string(11) "Front_Brand" ) ) public * _has_many => array(1) ( "features" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "id_product" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "feature_id" "model" => string(20) "Front_ProductFeature" ) ) public * _load_with => array(0) public * _validation => NULL public * _object => array(24) ( "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_brand" => string(1) "8" "id_category" => string(2) "14" "title" => string(23) "Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "price1" => string(4) "0.00" "price2" => string(5) "31005" "price3" => string(5) "31005" "kurs" => NULL "desc" => string(3599) "<p>Монитор цветного видеодомофона 7 дюймов с емкостным сенсорным экраном с поддержкой форматов Full HD 1080p, CVBS, с возможност …" "short_desc" => NULL "short_desc_kt" => string(311) "<ul> <li><b>Сенсорный 7"</b> дюймовый экран (1024х600)</li> <li><b>WiFi</b> модуль для управления через смартфон</li> …" "date_add" => NULL "date_edit" => string(19) "2022-07-21 17:10:33" "id_status" => string(1) "2" "block_s" => NULL "zakupka1" => string(4) "0.00" "zakupka2" => string(4) "0.00" "zakupka3" => string(4) "0.00" "not_seo_auto" => string(1) "0" "cnt_load" => string(6) "388078" "id_sticky" => NULL "title_price" => string(16) "Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "url_postav" => string(49) "" "auto_komplekt" => string(1) "1" ) public * _changed => array(0) public * _original_values => array(24) ( "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_brand" => string(1) "8" "id_category" => string(2) "14" "title" => string(23) "Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "price1" => string(4) "0.00" "price2" => string(5) "31005" "price3" => string(5) "31005" "kurs" => NULL "desc" => string(3599) "<p>Монитор цветного видеодомофона 7 дюймов с емкостным сенсорным экраном с поддержкой форматов Full HD 1080p, CVBS, с возможност …" "short_desc" => NULL "short_desc_kt" => string(311) "<ul> <li><b>Сенсорный 7"</b> дюймовый экран (1024х600)</li> <li><b>WiFi</b> модуль для управления через смартфон</li> …" "date_add" => NULL "date_edit" => string(19) "2022-07-21 17:10:33" "id_status" => string(1) "2" "block_s" => NULL "zakupka1" => string(4) "0.00" "zakupka2" => string(4) "0.00" "zakupka3" => string(4) "0.00" "not_seo_auto" => string(1) "0" "cnt_load" => string(6) "388078" "id_sticky" => NULL "title_price" => string(16) "Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "url_postav" => string(49) "" "auto_komplekt" => string(1) "1" ) public * _related => array(4) ( "kt_fields" => object Model_Front_KtFields(34)
) }{ public * _table_name => string(9) "kt_fields" public _primary_key => string(10) "id_product" public * _has_one => array(0) public * _belongs_to => array(0) public * _has_many => array(0) public * _load_with => array(0) public * _validation => NULL public * _object => array(22) ( "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "products_soputstv" => string(36) "["2918","2790","2789","2788","7643"]" "products_analog" => string(39) "["16544","3234","17669","3177","18005"]" "products_color" => string(0) "" "products_komplect" => string(0) "" "title_text" => NULL "schemes" => NULL "name_chemes" => NULL "note_schemes" => NULL "name_instruct" => NULL "name_flash" => NULL "free_dostavka" => string(1) "0" "day_dostavka" => NULL "monitor" => string(0) "" "panel" => string(0) "" "h1" => string(48) "Видеодомофон Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "video" => NULL "note_video" => NULL "text_feature" => string(3210) " <div> <span>Дисплей </span> <span>TFT, цветной, сенсорный, 7 дюймов, 1024х600</span> </div> <div> <span>Управление </span> <spa …" "instruct" => NULL "products_dubl" => string(0) "" "products_zamena" => string(16) "["16544","7644"]" ) public * _changed => array(0) public * _original_values => array(22) ( "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "products_soputstv" => string(36) "["2918","2790","2789","2788","7643"]" "products_analog" => string(39) "["16544","3234","17669","3177","18005"]" "products_color" => string(0) "" "products_komplect" => string(0) "" "title_text" => NULL "schemes" => NULL "name_chemes" => NULL "note_schemes" => NULL "name_instruct" => NULL "name_flash" => NULL "free_dostavka" => string(1) "0" "day_dostavka" => NULL "monitor" => string(0) "" "panel" => string(0) "" "h1" => string(48) "Видеодомофон Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "video" => NULL "note_video" => NULL "text_feature" => string(3210) " <div> <span>Дисплей </span> <span>TFT, цветной, сенсорный, 7 дюймов, 1024х600</span> </div> <div> <span>Управление </span> <spa …" "instruct" => NULL "products_dubl" => string(0) "" "products_zamena" => string(16) "["16544","7644"]" ) public * _related => array(0) public * _valid => bool TRUE public * _loaded => bool TRUE public * _saved => bool FALSE public * _sorting => NULL public * _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" public * _object_name => string(14) "front_ktfields" public * _object_plural => string(16) "front_ktfieldses" public * _table_columns => array(22) ( "id_product" => array(12) ( ... ) "products_soputstv" => array(12) ( ... ) "products_analog" => array(12) ( ... ) "products_color" => array(12) ( ... ) "products_komplect" => array(12) ( ... ) "title_text" => array(12) ( ... ) "schemes" => array(12) ( ... ) "name_chemes" => array(12) ( ... ) "note_schemes" => array(12) ( ... ) "name_instruct" => array(12) ( ... ) "name_flash" => array(12) ( ... ) "free_dostavka" => array(12) ( ... ) "day_dostavka" => array(12) ( ... ) "monitor" => array(12) ( ... ) "panel" => array(12) ( ... ) "h1" => array(12) ( ... ) "video" => array(12) ( ... ) "note_video" => array(12) ( ... ) "text_feature" => array(12) ( ... ) "instruct" => array(12) ( ... ) "products_dubl" => array(12) ( ... ) "products_zamena" => array(12) ( ... ) ) public * _updated_column => NULL public * _created_column => NULL public * _serialize_columns => array(0) public * _primary_key_value => string(4) "3207" public * _table_names_plural => bool TRUE public * _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"image" => object Model_Front_Image(34){ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18) { ... } public * _config => array(5) ( ... ) }
public * _db_group => NULL public * _db_applied => array(0) public * _db_pending => array(0) public * _db_reset => bool TRUE public * _db_builder => NULL public * _with_applied => array(0) public * _cast_data => array(0) public * _errors_filename => string(14) "front_ktfields" }{ public * _table_name => string(5) "image" public _primary_key => string(8) "id_image" public * _has_one => array(0) public * _belongs_to => array(0) public * _has_many => array(0) public * _load_with => array(0) public * _validation => NULL public * _object => array(10) ( "id_image" => string(5) "17013" "count" => string(2) "17" "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_category" => string(1) "0" "id_brand" => string(1) "0" "id_content" => string(1) "0" "main" => string(1) "1" "original" => NULL "date_add" => string(19) "2020-03-16 17:04:58" "date_edit" => string(19) "2019-10-21 12:41:59" ) public * _changed => array(0) public * _original_values => array(10) ( "id_image" => string(5) "17013" "count" => string(2) "17" "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_category" => string(1) "0" "id_brand" => string(1) "0" "id_content" => string(1) "0" "main" => string(1) "1" "original" => NULL "date_add" => string(19) "2020-03-16 17:04:58" "date_edit" => string(19) "2019-10-21 12:41:59" ) public * _related => array(0) public * _valid => bool TRUE public * _loaded => bool TRUE public * _saved => bool FALSE public * _sorting => NULL public * _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" public * _object_name => string(11) "front_image" public * _object_plural => string(12) "front_images" public * _table_columns => array(10) ( "id_image" => array(12) ( ... ) "count" => array(12) ( ... ) "id_product" => array(12) ( ... ) "id_category" => array(12) ( ... ) "id_brand" => array(12) ( ... ) "id_content" => array(12) ( ... ) "main" => array(12) ( ... ) "original" => array(12) ( ... ) "date_add" => array(10) ( ... ) "date_edit" => array(10) ( ... ) ) public * _updated_column => NULL public * _created_column => NULL public * _serialize_columns => array(0) public * _primary_key_value => string(5) "17013" public * _table_names_plural => bool TRUE public * _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"seo" => object Model_Front_Seo(34){ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18) { ... } public * _config => array(5) ( ... ) }
public * _db_group => NULL public * _db_applied => array(0) public * _db_pending => array(0) public * _db_reset => bool TRUE public * _db_builder => NULL public * _with_applied => array(0) public * _cast_data => array(0) public * _errors_filename => string(11) "front_image" }{ public * _table_name => string(3) "seo" public _primary_key => string(6) "id_seo" public * _has_one => array(0) public * _belongs_to => array(0) public * _has_many => array(0) public * _load_with => array(0) public * _validation => NULL public * _object => array(19) ( "id_seo" => string(4) "9881" "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_category" => NULL "id_brand" => NULL "id_content" => NULL "id_comment" => NULL "controller" => string(7) "Product" "id" => string(4) "3207" "action" => string(5) "index" "url" => string(37) "/video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi.html" "alias" => string(16) "marilyn-hd-wi-fi" "meta_title" => string(185) "[name] купить видеодомофон Wi-Fi в Москве | Цена [price] руб. | Бесплатная доставка! | — интернет-магазин" "meta_desc" => string(261) "[name] — видеодомофон с 7 дюймовым экраном, Wi-Fi, формат видео AHD, TVI, CVI, CVBS, детектор движения.☝Оптовые закупки☝Официал …" "meta_keywords" => string(474) "[name], купить [name], домофон [brand],, видеодомофоны.рус, видеодомофон [brand], монитор домофона [brand], домофон …" "old_url" => NULL "str_find" => string(307) "883207 3207 tantos marilyn hd wi fi для квартиры квартиру видеодомофон домофон видеодомофона без трубки ip записью запись датчик …" "img_directory" => string(17) "/images/p/3/2/0/7" "breadcrumb" => string(2498) "<div id="breadcrumb" class="p-3"><ul class="p-0 m-0 d-flex flex-wrap" itemscope itemtype= …" "date_update" => string(19) "2022-07-21 17:10:33" ) public * _changed => array(0) public * _original_values => array(19) ( "id_seo" => string(4) "9881" "id_product" => string(4) "3207" "id_category" => NULL "id_brand" => NULL "id_content" => NULL "id_comment" => NULL "controller" => string(7) "Product" "id" => string(4) "3207" "action" => string(5) "index" "url" => string(37) "/video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi.html" "alias" => string(16) "marilyn-hd-wi-fi" "meta_title" => string(185) "[name] купить видеодомофон Wi-Fi в Москве | Цена [price] руб. | Бесплатная доставка! | — интернет-магазин" "meta_desc" => string(261) "[name] — видеодомофон с 7 дюймовым экраном, Wi-Fi, формат видео AHD, TVI, CVI, CVBS, детектор движения.☝Оптовые закупки☝Официал …" "meta_keywords" => string(474) "[name], купить [name], домофон [brand],, видеодомофоны.рус, видеодомофон [brand], монитор домофона [brand], домофон …" "old_url" => NULL "str_find" => string(307) "883207 3207 tantos marilyn hd wi fi для квартиры квартиру видеодомофон домофон видеодомофона без трубки ip записью запись датчик …" "img_directory" => string(17) "/images/p/3/2/0/7" "breadcrumb" => string(2498) "<div id="breadcrumb" class="p-3"><ul class="p-0 m-0 d-flex flex-wrap" itemscope itemtype= …" "date_update" => string(19) "2022-07-21 17:10:33" ) public * _related => array(0) public * _valid => bool TRUE public * _loaded => bool TRUE public * _saved => bool FALSE public * _sorting => NULL public * _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" public * _object_name => string(9) "front_seo" public * _object_plural => string(10) "front_seos" public * _table_columns => array(19) ( "id_seo" => array(12) ( ... ) "id_product" => array(12) ( ... ) "id_category" => array(12) ( ... ) "id_brand" => array(12) ( ... ) "id_content" => array(12) ( ... ) "id_comment" => array(12) ( ... ) "controller" => array(12) ( ... ) "id" => array(12) ( ... ) "action" => array(12) ( ... ) "url" => array(12) ( ... ) "alias" => array(12) ( ... ) "meta_title" => array(12) ( ... ) "meta_desc" => array(12) ( ... ) "meta_keywords" => array(12) ( ... ) "old_url" => array(12) ( ... ) "str_find" => array(12) ( ... ) "img_directory" => array(12) ( ... ) "breadcrumb" => array(12) ( ... ) "date_update" => array(10) ( ... ) ) public * _updated_column => NULL public * _created_column => NULL public * _serialize_columns => array(0) public * _primary_key_value => string(4) "9881" public * _table_names_plural => bool TRUE public * _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"brand" => object Model_Front_Brand(34){ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18) { ... } public * _config => array(5) ( ... ) }
public * _db_group => NULL public * _db_applied => array(0) public * _db_pending => array(0) public * _db_reset => bool TRUE public * _db_builder => NULL public * _with_applied => array(0) public * _cast_data => array(0) public * _errors_filename => string(9) "front_seo" }{ public * _table_name => string(5) "brand" public _primary_key => string(8) "id_brand" public * _has_one => array(2) ( "seo" => array(2) ( ... ) "image" => array(2) ( ... ) ) public * _belongs_to => array(0) public * _has_many => array(0) public * _load_with => array(0) public * _validation => NULL public * _object => array(12) ( "id_brand" => string(1) "8" "kurs" => string(5) "69.00" "title" => string(6) "Tantos" "desc_top" => string(781) "<h1>Видеодомофоны Tantos</h1><p>Tantos – канадский бренд, название которого произошло от индийского племени шеванезов и переводи …" "desc_end" => string(4621) "<p>В интернет-магазине можно заказать и приобрести продукцию напрямую от канадского производителя. Мы предлагаем на …" "date_add" => string(19) "2021-02-28 08:30:38" "date_edit" => string(19) "2025-01-31 16:00:39" "cb" => string(1) "0" "cb_proc" => string(1) "0" "position" => string(1) "4" "valuta" => string(1) "0" "image" => string(6) "tantos" ) public * _changed => array(0) public * _original_values => array(12) ( "id_brand" => string(1) "8" "kurs" => string(5) "69.00" "title" => string(6) "Tantos" "desc_top" => string(781) "<h1>Видеодомофоны Tantos</h1><p>Tantos – канадский бренд, название которого произошло от индийского племени шеванезов и переводи …" "desc_end" => string(4621) "<p>В интернет-магазине можно заказать и приобрести продукцию напрямую от канадского производителя. Мы предлагаем на …" "date_add" => string(19) "2021-02-28 08:30:38" "date_edit" => string(19) "2025-01-31 16:00:39" "cb" => string(1) "0" "cb_proc" => string(1) "0" "position" => string(1) "4" "valuta" => string(1) "0" "image" => string(6) "tantos" ) public * _related => array(0) public * _valid => bool TRUE public * _loaded => bool TRUE public * _saved => bool FALSE public * _sorting => NULL public * _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" public * _object_name => string(11) "front_brand" public * _object_plural => string(12) "front_brands" public * _table_columns => array(12) ( "id_brand" => array(12) ( ... ) "kurs" => array(13) ( ... ) "title" => array(12) ( ... ) "desc_top" => array(12) ( ... ) "desc_end" => array(12) ( ... ) "date_add" => array(10) ( ... ) "date_edit" => array(10) ( ... ) "cb" => array(12) ( ... ) "cb_proc" => array(12) ( ... ) "position" => array(12) ( ... ) "valuta" => array(12) ( ... ) "image" => array(12) ( ... ) ) public * _updated_column => NULL public * _created_column => NULL public * _serialize_columns => array(0) public * _primary_key_value => string(1) "8" public * _table_names_plural => bool TRUE public * _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
) public * _valid => bool TRUE public * _loaded => bool TRUE public * _saved => bool FALSE public * _sorting => NULL public * _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" public * _object_name => string(13) "front_product" public * _object_plural => string(14) "front_products" public * _table_columns => array(24) ( "id_product" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(10) "id_product" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_brand" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "id_brand" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_category" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(11) "id_category" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "price1" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(6) "price1" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "12" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "price2" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(6) "price2" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "price3" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(6) "price3" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "kurs" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(4) "kurs" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "12" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "desc" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "desc" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "short_desc" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(10) "short_desc" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "short_desc_kt" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(13) "short_desc_kt" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_add" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "date_add" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "date_edit" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "date_edit" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_status" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "id_status" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "block_s" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "block_s" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "zakupka1" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(8) "zakupka1" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "10" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "zakupka2" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(8) "zakupka2" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 17 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "10" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "zakupka3" => array(13) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "exact" => bool TRUE "column_name" => string(8) "zakupka3" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "decimal" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 18 "numeric_precision" => string(2) "10" "numeric_scale" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "not_seo_auto" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(12) "not_seo_auto" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 19 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cnt_load" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "cnt_load" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 20 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "id_sticky" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "id_sticky" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 21 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_price" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(11) "title_price" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 22 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "url_postav" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(10) "url_postav" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 23 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "auto_komplekt" => array(12) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(13) "auto_komplekt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 24 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) public * _updated_column => NULL public * _created_column => NULL public * _serialize_columns => array(0) public * _primary_key_value => string(4) "3207" public * _table_names_plural => bool TRUE public * _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6){ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18) { ... } public * _config => array(5) ( ... ) }
public * _db_group => NULL public * _db_applied => array(0) public * _db_pending => array(0) public * _db_reset => bool TRUE public * _db_builder => NULL public * _with_applied => array(0) public * _cast_data => array(0) public * _errors_filename => string(11) "front_brand" }{ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18)
public * _db_group => NULL public * _db_applied => array(0) public * _db_pending => array(0) public * _db_reset => bool TRUE public * _db_builder => NULL public * _with_applied => array(0) public * _cast_data => array(0) public * _errors_filename => string(13) "front_product" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
public * _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(5) ( "hostname" => string(15) "" "database" => string(5) "db_vd" "port" => NULL "socket" => NULL "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool TRUE ) }{ public * _file => string(90) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" public * _data => array(1) ( "bestZapros" => array(14) ( "Видеодомофон для квартиры" => string(30) "/video-intercom/dlya-kvartiry/" "для дома" => string(36) "/video-intercom/dlya-chastnogo-doma/" "готовый комплект видеодомофона" => string(25) "/video-intercom/komplekt/" "подключение видеодомофона" => string(13) "/montazh.html" "видеодомофон commax" => string(23) "/video-intercom/commax/" "панель видеодомофона" => string(17) "/vyzyvnye-paneli/" "видеодомофон ctv" => string(20) "/video-intercom/ctv/" "видеодомофон tantos" => string(23) "/video-intercom/tantos/" "ip видеодомофон" => string(19) "/video-intercom/ip/" "видеодомофон falcon" => string(23) "/video-intercom/falcon/" "электромеханический замок cisa" => string(39) "/skud/elektromekhanicheskie-zamki/cisa/" "замок на калитку" => string(34) "/skud/elektromekhanicheskie-zamki/" "блок сопряжения домофона" => string(25) "/skud/blok-sopryazheniya/" "камера для видеодомофона" => string(33) "/videonablyudenie/cvetnye-kamery/" ) ) }
1 => object Response(5){ public * _status => integer 200 public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
2 => object Response(5){ }
public * _body => string(6276) " <div class="heading">Последние отзывы</div> <div class="bg-white p-3 mb-3"> <div class="pb …" public * _cookies => array(0) public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" }{ public * _status => integer 200 public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
3 => object Response(5){ }
public * _body => string(0) "" public * _cookies => array(0) public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" }{ public * _status => integer 200 public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
4 => object Response(5){ }
public * _body => string(1754) " <div class="heading">Последние новости</div> <div class="bg-white p-3 border-bottom"> <div class=" …" public * _cookies => array(0) public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" }{ public * _status => integer 200 public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
) "block_slider" => NULL "block_contetnts" => NULL "block_top_footer" => NULL "sidebars" => NULL "hide_left_block" => bool FALSE "meta_follow" => string(6) "follow" "meta_index" => string(5) "index" "og_image" => string(51) "/images/p/3/2/0/7/marilyn-hd-wi-fi_1_1028x1028.webp" "meta_title" => string(201) "Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi купить видеодомофон Wi-Fi в Москве | Цена 31 005 руб. | Бесплатная доставка! | — интернет-м …" "meta_desc" => string(278) "Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi — видеодомофон с 7 дюймовым экраном, Wi-Fi, формат видео AHD, TVI, CVI, CVBS, детектор движения.☝Оптовы …" "block_bottom_site" => NULL "email" => string(18) "" "phone" => NULL "base_dir" => string(43) "/var/www/user10911271/data/www/" "favorites_total" => integer 0 "compare_total" => integer 0 "tree" => string(48844) "<ul id="catalog" class="mb-3"><li><div class="d-flex justify-content-between"><a class="flex-grow-1 flex-shrink-1 d-flex justify …" "h1" => string(48) "Видеодомофон Tantos Marilyn HD Wi-Fi" "blockTags" => NULL "canonical" => string(37) "/video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi.html" "meta_keywords" => string(505) "tantos marilyn hd wi-fi, купить tantos marilyn hd wi-fi, домофон Tantos,, видеодомофоны.рус, видеодомофон Tantos, м …" ) }{ }
public * _body => string(1523) " <div class="heading">Последние статьи</div> <div class="bg-white p-3 border-bottom"> <div class="t …" public * _cookies => array(0) public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" }{ public * _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
public auto_render => bool TRUE public request => object Request(19){ public * _connection_id => string(40) "ff827f4ba40a92cbd07c570272da31e5d0384d35" public * _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(150) "SELECT * FROM `content` c LEFT JOIN `seo` s ON AND s.controller="Content" WHERE c.`type` = "blog" ORDER BY c.` …" public * _instance => string(7) "default" public * _connection => object mysqli(18)
public * _table => string(8) "sessions" public * _columns => array(3) ( "session_id" => string(10) "session_id" "last_active" => string(11) "last_active" "contents" => string(8) "contents" ) public * _gc => integer 500 public * _session_id => string(23) "67b36ac829b6a1-02223433" public * _update_id => NULL public * _name => string(11) "cookie_name" public * _lifetime => integer 43200 public * _encrypted => bool FALSE public * _data => array(0) public * _destroyed => bool FALSE }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
public * _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(5) ( "hostname" => string(15) "" "database" => string(5) "db_vd" "port" => NULL "socket" => NULL "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool TRUE ) }{ public * _requested_with => NULL public * _method => string(3) "GET" public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" public * _secure => bool TRUE public * _referrer => NULL public * _route => object Route(5)
public response => object Response(5){ public * _filters => array(1) ( 0 => object Closure(1)
public * _routes => array(0) public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0){ public 0 => object Closure(1) { *RECURSION* } }
) public * _uri => string(6) "<path>" public * _regex => array(1) ( "path" => string(9) "(.*)[^\/]" ) public * _defaults => array(3) ( "directory" => string(5) "front" "controller" => string(5) "index" "action" => string(5) "index" ) public * _route_regex => string(25) "#^(?P<path>(.*)[^\/])$#uD" }{ }
public * _body => NULL public * _directory => string(5) "Front" public * _controller => string(7) "Product" public * _action => string(5) "index" public * _uri => string(36) "video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi.html" public * _external => bool FALSE public * _params => array(2) ( "path" => string(36) "video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi.html" "id" => string(4) "3207" ) public * _get => array(1) ( "/video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi_html" => string(0) "" ) public * _post => array(0) public * _cookies => array(0) public * _client => object Request_Client_Internal(9){ public * _previous_environment => NULL public * _cache => NULL public * _follow => bool FALSE public * _follow_headers => array(1) ( 0 => string(13) "authorization" ) public * _strict_redirect => bool TRUE public * _header_callbacks => array(1) ( "Location" => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location" ) public * _max_callback_depth => integer 5 public * _callback_depth => integer 1 public * _callback_params => array(0) }
}{ public * _status => integer 200 public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
}{ }
public * _body => string(0) "" public * _cookies => array(0) public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" }92 93 // Create a new instance of the controller 94 $controller = $class->newInstance($request, $response); 95 96 // Run the controller's execute() method 97 $response = $class->getMethod('execute')->invoke($controller); 98 99 if ( ! $response instanceof Response) 100 { 101 // Controller failed to return a Response. 102 throw new Kohana_Exception('Controller failed to return a Response');
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Request/Client.php [ 114 ] » Kohana_Request_Client_Internal->execute_request(arguments)
object Request(19)
{ public * _requested_with => NULL public * _method => string(3) "GET" public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" public * _secure => bool TRUE public * _referrer => NULL public * _route => object Route(5)
{ public * _filters => array(1) ( 0 => object Closure(1)
public * _routes => array(0) public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0){ public 0 => object Closure(1) { *RECURSION* } }
) public * _uri => string(6) "<path>" public * _regex => array(1) ( "path" => string(9) "(.*)[^\/]" ) public * _defaults => array(3) ( "directory" => string(5) "front" "controller" => string(5) "index" "action" => string(5) "index" ) public * _route_regex => string(25) "#^(?P<path>(.*)[^\/])$#uD" }{ }
public * _body => NULL public * _directory => string(5) "Front" public * _controller => string(7) "Product" public * _action => string(5) "index" public * _uri => string(36) "video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi.html" public * _external => bool FALSE public * _params => array(2) ( "path" => string(36) "video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi.html" "id" => string(4) "3207" ) public * _get => array(1) ( "/video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi_html" => string(0) "" ) public * _post => array(0) public * _cookies => array(0) public * _client => object Request_Client_Internal(9){ public * _previous_environment => NULL public * _cache => NULL public * _follow => bool FALSE public * _follow_headers => array(1) ( 0 => string(13) "authorization" ) public * _strict_redirect => bool TRUE public * _header_callbacks => array(1) ( "Location" => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location" ) public * _max_callback_depth => integer 5 public * _callback_depth => integer 1 public * _callback_params => array(0) }
object Response(5)
{ public * _status => integer 200 public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
{ }
public * _body => string(0) "" public * _cookies => array(0) public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" }109 $orig_response = $response = Response::factory(array('_protocol' => $request->protocol())); 110 111 if (($cache = $this->cache()) instanceof HTTP_Cache) 112 return $cache->execute($this, $request, $response); 113 114 $response = $this->execute_request($request, $response); 115 116 // Execute response callbacks 117 foreach ($this->header_callbacks() as $header => $callback) 118 { 119 if ($response->headers($header))
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Request.php [ 997 ] » Kohana_Request_Client->execute(arguments)
object Request(19)
{ public * _requested_with => NULL public * _method => string(3) "GET" public * _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.0" public * _secure => bool TRUE public * _referrer => NULL public * _route => object Route(5)
{ public * _filters => array(1) ( 0 => object Closure(1)
public * _routes => array(0) public * _header => object HTTP_Header(0){ public 0 => object Closure(1) { *RECURSION* } }
) public * _uri => string(6) "<path>" public * _regex => array(1) ( "path" => string(9) "(.*)[^\/]" ) public * _defaults => array(3) ( "directory" => string(5) "front" "controller" => string(5) "index" "action" => string(5) "index" ) public * _route_regex => string(25) "#^(?P<path>(.*)[^\/])$#uD" }{ }
public * _body => NULL public * _directory => string(5) "Front" public * _controller => string(7) "Product" public * _action => string(5) "index" public * _uri => string(36) "video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi.html" public * _external => bool FALSE public * _params => array(2) ( "path" => string(36) "video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi.html" "id" => string(4) "3207" ) public * _get => array(1) ( "/video-intercom/marilyn-hd-wi-fi_html" => string(0) "" ) public * _post => array(0) public * _cookies => array(0) public * _client => object Request_Client_Internal(9){ public * _previous_environment => NULL public * _cache => NULL public * _follow => bool FALSE public * _follow_headers => array(1) ( 0 => string(13) "authorization" ) public * _strict_redirect => bool TRUE public * _header_callbacks => array(1) ( "Location" => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location" ) public * _max_callback_depth => integer 5 public * _callback_depth => integer 1 public * _callback_params => array(0) }
}992 throw new Request_Exception('Unable to execute :uri without a Kohana_Request_Client', array( 993 ':uri' => $this->_uri, 994 )); 995 } 996 997 return $this->_client->execute($this); 998 } 999 1000 /** 1001 * Returns whether this request is the initial request Kohana received. 1002 * Can be used to test for sub requests.
DOCROOT/index.php [ 125 ] » Kohana_Request->execute()
120 /** 121 * Execute the main request. A source of the URI can be passed, eg: $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']. 122 * If no source is specified, the URI will be automatically detected. 123 */ 124 echo Request::factory(TRUE, array(), FALSE) 125 ->execute() 126 ->send_headers(TRUE) 127 ->body(); 128 }